I received a wonderful parcel in the mail yesterday from Sue in Queensland.  This is the third parcel from Sue and this time Aussie Heroes received a gorgeous quilt – Love the tea towel and the colours!!!

And two lots of backing – Sue found both of these at an Op Shop!  How come I never have such luck!!!
I really like the brown check- it doesn’t show up in the photo but it is a really warm colour and the blue is a kind of brushed cotton so it is going to be really cozy on the back of a quilt!

And finally Sue included 5 fabulous 9 patch blocks.  The yellow in these is going to really brighten up our 9 patch quilt and I love that retro looking blue!

Other exciting news is that I had an enquiry email from another quilt group yesterday!  That makes two.  I won’t give details till they actually confirm they are going to jump on board but it will be pretty exciting if they do!  Mind you, I get excited whenever a newbie joins us.  The more the merrier!

I am wondering if any Sydney sewers would be interested in getting together for a sewing day?  We could have a laundry bag sewing day or a day when you just bring whatever Aussie Heroes sewing you are working on and enjoy some company (and probably good food) while you sew!  Give me a shout if you are interested and also let me know which days would suit you best and I will see what I can organize!

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!