About three more weeks left to post.

Leave a comment if you popped any boxes in the mail today.
Cathy and her stitching girls had some stitching and fun and here is the result.  Fifteen laundry bags on their way to Afghanistan – you can check out the details here on Cathy’s blog.  As you can tell they have all been prewashed.
Cute pup huh!  You can check her out here.  Apparently she is a real snuggler! Sounds good to me!

I put another four quilts in the mail today to the Warrant officer.  This is one of Caz’s fabulous teatowel quilts.
And I keep thinking of this one of Andrea’s as the Pub Crawl because of all the beer labels on it! 
Maria made these last two tops.  I love the novelty fabric she uses – pandas and sheep  and dogs on motor bikes in this one 
and more bikie dogs, wine bottles, owls and outdoor scenes in this one!
Time for an update on our pretty in pink quilt.  Who is making a block or some blocks?  Please leave a comment if you are going to so I know how many to expect.  These are my blocks and they were fun to do!
I did a few extra nine patches in case we need more – they can go on the back if we don’t need them!
I recevied two lots of pinwheels today too.  The first three pinkish ones on this design wall are from my American friend, Lisa.  The rest of the ones on this board are from my SIL.  

 I put them together with the ones that I have and this is what you get – by jove I think we have enough for a quilt!  I think it looks great and I am thinking a bright colour for the border again to bring it to life.  Yep, I think these BOM quilts really are the BOMB!

 I also received a parcel from Marg containing all those Aussie flag panels AND lots of this cool Wizard of Oz fabric.  All I keep thinking of when I look at this is click your heels and say “There is no place like home.”  I can imagine a lot of the soldiers are thinking that right now!

That’s it for tonight.  Don’t forget to send photos of your quilts and laundry bags and let me know when you are sending !
Till next time………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!