I had a lovely email last night letting me know that another Sydney based quilt group is probably going to have an Aussie Heroes sewing day – happy dance here! I won’t say any more till I get confirmation but I have asked them to let me know when and maybe I will be able to go along and take some pictures to share with you.
If anyone else is planning a sewing day I would love it if you could send me a picture or two so that I can post it on the blog and share it with everyone else!
Also if you are following this blog regularly and haven’t clicked on the Follow Me button it would be great if you could. I regularly write to companies to ask for sponsorship and the more visible followers shown on the blog the more they are inclined to jump on board.
I am off for a busy day. My close friends, the Sisterhood we call ourselves, are coming for dinner and I need to tidy away a little but of Aussie Hero paraphernalia to make room for them! I will leave enough around to inspire them though. They are mostly a little bit involved in Aussie Heroes anyway even though they are not sewers. I am working on the next generation though! hee hee
Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!