What an awesome day spent with lovely people!!!
Today was the laundry bag sewing day at Hobbysew in Kings Park. The shop donated over ten meters of homespun for lining which was cut up and sewn in a flash!!! The day was run like a class so people had to register and we ended up with around 15 ladies there. I didn’t get a chance to count properly but that is how many I counted in the photos. I had taken along laundry bag kits and everyone got started.
Caroline, standing in the black and white T shirt, helped instruct everyone in how to make the bags, but as they were all experienced sewers, once they had made one bag they were off and running.
Then it was up to Caroline and I to take the donated fabrics and sort and cut more bags. Caroline worked like a machine, cutting out more bags while I sorted through the fabarics for pieces that were big enough for the bag outers or the cord channels.
Not a bad looking pile of laundry bags!
I had taken three laundry bags, all prepared and ready to sew, but really, I should know better. I rarely get to sew at these days. Thankfully Meg(below) volunteered to sew two and another kind lady took the third. I can’t show you the third as it will spoil the surprise for someone but I can show you these two.
Aussie Heroes seems to be blessed so many times with “things just falling in to place”. This laundry bag is for a chaplain and I have been trying to finish it for ages but keep having to turn my attention to other things. Finally today Meg finished it for me and it turns out that she knows some of the chaplains. When I told her who this one was for she was stunned. She not only knows the chaplain, she also knows his mother! WOW! Small world!
In the end we managed at least 50 laundry bags. I will do a final count on Thursday when I have the ladies here for the sewing day and will have help to take some pictures.
50! WOW! So pleased with that number.
Tonight, having had a laundry bag sewing day today, seems the perfect day to share a picture that one of my recipients and friends from over there sent me over the weekend of some of the laundry bags in action. The other three laundry bags are pretty distinctive too so can you pick yours out? Let me know if you see one that you have made!
Big thanks for the photo! 🙂
Dates for your Diary – Sewing Days
At my home – Thursday 22 August – 10am till 2pm – email me for the address and if you are coming can you please let me know
BYO sewing machine and lunch
Penrith Patchwork – Sunday 8 September – 10am till 2pm
BYO sewing machine and lunch
At my home – Monday 2 September – 10am till 2pm – as above.
At my home – Wednesday 18 September – 10am til 2pm – as above
Till next time………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx
Absolutely Brilliant! Well done ladies and well done Hobby Sew!