Latest Figures!

Written by AHQ

15 April 2012

I have spent hours today sifting back through all the emails I have received since day one of Aussie Heroes and trying to tally up exactly how many quilts and laundry bags have been sent.    It isn’t easy and I am concerned that it might not be accurate but the best I can figure is that 160 laundry bags have been sent and at least 125 quilts have gone.  I actually think that more of both have gone because I suspect some have gone without me receiving either photos or emails.  
So far I have only counted 22 of the planned 60 quilts that the Singleton Quilters are working towards.  There are another two quilts and one laundry bag going from me by Friday this week and I have another TEN quilt tops waiting to be layered and quilted still.  Add up my 12 (ten waiting to be layered and 2 being quilted) and the 38 still to come from SQ and that is 50 PLUS I know of a few others that are nearly finished AND that doesn’t include two of the WWQs that have not gone in the mail yet, two WWQs that are staying with me to be replacement quilts, AND the two special request quilts that are currently under construction!  That is about 60 quilts going in the near future.  So a grand total of 185 quilts have definitely gone or are going in the near future!!!!!  Well done ladies!!!
In the process of sifting through all the emails I found at least 20 people who had said they were going to sew something etc and who I never heard from again.  Now maybe day to day life got in the way and they never got around to it but just in case I fired off a quick email to each of them just asking if they had time to do anything  – no probs if they didn’t.  Who knows what responses I will get.  As long as they are polite I don’t mind.
Over the next few days I will be updating the Gallery of Quilts and laundry bags on the blog.  I may even create a roll of sewers.  I will let you know when I get them done and then ask you to check that your quilt or laundry bag is shown.  If I have missed some it will be easy enough for me to add them but it is so easy to miss someone off as there are just so many (nice problem hey!) for me to check off.
For now though – another few pictures.
Remember these?
I asked Marg to send them straight to my favourite Warrant Officer so that he could hand them to some of the guys coming in later in the year to replace his team.  I also sent him some to make up the numbers.  Anyway, not all the boxes have arrived yet but I am pleased to say that  Marg’s are there safe and sound (phew)
as well as some of mine!
These lovely laundry bags were completed by Caz 
as were these two quilts.
Love those skeletons and the red border really brings this one to life doesn’t it!
On Thursday I am heading off to meet up with Rhonda to collect these laundry bags plus another 8 laundry bags and two quilts.  
I will show you pictures when I get them!

And now I have to get back to work and update the Galleries and create a Sewer’s Roll!  Lots of people keep asking me how many women are sewing for Aussie Heroes and I have no idea – time to try and work it out as best I can – won’t be a perfect list as (happily) new people are joining us every week!
And by the way – in coming days/weeks, I am going to get you to email me and share how you are spreading the word as I am hearing some great stories and I think they should be shared to inspire others!  Also, have you asked anyone to donate or contribute to the cause.  There are some good stories about that too.

Nearly forgot – next AHQ Sydney Sewing day – this Wednesday 18th my place.  Email of leave a comment if you want to join in.  The jobs for this week, layering four gorgeous BOM quilts and working on the pretty pink girly quilt!  Fun!

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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  1. Outback Crafter - Debra

    Wow Jan-Maree. That is a great number of quilts and laundry bags. Well done ladies.

  2. Tarnyia

    Absolutely Awesome ladies xxxx

  3. Maria

    How good is that over 125 quilts and how many laundry bags??

  4. Caz

    Fantastic numbers everyone….. we all deserve a pat on the back… But especially you Jan-Maree.. great job keeping it all organised and us all informed… as well as all the sewing you do too!!

    Can't wait to start on my next ones !!

  5. Sue Niven

    Love all the lovely quilts and bags. Great job everyone.


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