Just a little post, with a little update…..
In December last year we received this photo from a recipient who had requested a Chicken Little Quilt. We love receiving the photos…
Now meet the REAL Chicken Little!! Isn’t she gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this adorable photo!
And here is another bit of news for you……
Tomorrow it will be 8 months to the day since our home was destroyed. Now that the plans have made it through council, the next step is the construction certificate and then the work begins in earnest….. BRING IT ON!!!
I will let you know when the construction actually starts!!!!
Sorry this is such a short update but I have a bit to do.
I was out this morning giving a presentation in St Marys. Had to make an unscheduled trip to Officeworks this afternoon because I was out of printer ink. Now I have emails to catch up on and most importantly, a pile of ten or so quilts on the chair next to my desk which are all waiting for covering letters so that they can be packed and sent off.
My choice is …. write a long blog or write covering letters and get more quilts to recipients… so sorry guys… the quilts and recipients win…
Till next time … keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx
Just want to say HOORAY!! Love the "little chicken" but am thrilled for you to finally be moving forward with a home of your own again.
Wonderful news indeed! Lovely quilt and story, Posts do not have to be long to be good! These pictures are worth a thousand words. Enjoy your covering letters.
Love Chicken Little !
How cute is chicken Little!! Congratulations to the new parents. So good to hear plans have been approved..on to the next step. Any post is a good post!!
Totally agree!
Yeah! House plans approved at last, onwards and upwards JM. Yes, the long blog can wait, the letters more important so that quilts are received then we can all see photo's like Chicken Little?…too cute…..