I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a special Remembrance Day yesterday.  I sent out a copy of the Remembrance Day post to lots of the men and women that we are serving by email.   I couldn’t send it to everyone as you can’t get that many addresses on an email but I tried to disseminate it as much as possible.

Here are some of the responses I have had.
Thank you for that email, there are so many beautiful sentiments in it and it humbles me that there are people out there providing that support to us

That is lovely, will put it on the notice board. Thanks to all for the support.

Thank you for posting the words from your group of wonderful Women, Men and Children that are so committed to giving just that little bit of home to all that serve currently and have served in Defence Forces. We are eternally grateful for the words and I will make sure they are distributed among those of us that are currently on active service.
Today is a special day with Remembrance Day services around the area and your group’s thoughts have come at a perfect time to lift the spirits of those that are missing loved ones at home. Thank you to all.
Jan Maree, the only thing I can say is that those wonderful posts have brought me to tears on this day of remembrance. 

To those of you who wrote what matters to you about sewing for AHQ…
Thank you.

On other matters – 
I received a lovely thank you message and this fellow hasn’t even received his quilt yet!   I am in the process of arranging it now and am even more impatient to get it over to him.

Dear Jan-Maree 

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do providing beautiful quilts and laundry bags to deployed ADF members. I was the lucky recipient of one of your wonderful laundry bags (first one ever!) and it’s brilliant!! There’s something very special about receiving such a lovely handmade gift from someone back home – especially from a person whom I’ve never met. Wish I could give you a big hug!

God bless you! 

And yes, I am more than willing to take a raincheck on any hugs that are offered!


Michelle received another lovely thank you message too.  
Her quilts with “My Country” on them are going to be treasured heirlooms in the future! 
No surprises there!
Good afternoon to the Quilt and Laundry Bag Makers to the Australian Defence Forces!
Yesterday I received a quilt which had been lovingly made by Ms Michelle Shay of VIC, of which the centerpiece of the quilt was the iconic Australian poem “My Country”. To say that I am now the proud owner of a collector’s item, and that something this unique shouldn’t adorn a bunk-bed in Afghanistan, are understatements to say the least.
Some others in our Camp are waiting for their quilts to arrive; when they do we will endeavour to get a group photo of your works of art in a suitable setting in the Camp, and then send you a copy of the photo.
If possible, can you please pass this on to Ms Shay, along with my deepest thanks for her kind wishes and thoughts about our safety (and even deeper thanks for the chocolates & sweets that she had enclosed with the quilt!!). I will be writing to Ms Shay in due course to thank her for her outstanding work; I will have to use postal mail as her e-mail address on the card, that came with the quilt, was smudged and I cannot decypher it.(I have passed on her email address)
Again, many thanks to the Hero Quilt & Laundry Bag Makers of Australia for your works of art; your selfless and beautiful work is appreciated by us…thank you.

Next, our young Amy, received a lovely thank you for one of her many laundry bags.

Hi Amy,
I received your parcel today and it made my day, I just wanted to write 
and say a massive thank you.  The bag you made for me is wonderful and I 
am so blown away by your generosity.
Your gift and letter made me quite emotional, I never for a moment 
thought that I would be receiving something from a high school student, 
your parents must be so proud of you for doing such a wonderful thing 
for someone you don’t even know.  I have a 7 year old son and a 5 year 
old daughter and I hope that when they are your age they will be just as 
generous and thoughtful.
I am going to post a picture and message on the Aussie Hero’s facebook 
page but I wanted to say a personal thank you first.
Kind Regards,

This gorgeous thank you and photo came in for Liz – she is away on holidays so will have to wait till she can see it.  The message came from the fellow on the right with the watch on.

To the ladies of Aussie Hero Quilts, thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bag. It is really nice to know that you guys put so much time and effort into these quilts.  It really does mean a lot to know we are thought of and that what we are doing over is worthwhile, so again ladies, thank you so much.  Very proud of it.  Thank you again.

There is more to this story but I can’t share it yet without fear of spoiling things – sometimes it just kills me to have to keep these things to myself!  Will share as soon as I can!

Just before I go – a big thank you to Terry who spent a few hours with me today piecing batting.  Not the most enjoyable way to spend the day but a very productive way.  So far I think we have joined enough batting scraps for 11 more quilts and that is 11 more soldiers, sailors or airmen we can give a quilty hug to!

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!