Hi again,

It’s just me, Naomi (aka Tech Guru) hosting a session of Show ‘n’ Tell on the wonderful blocks of the month I’ve been receiving.  The first three pics I got all on the same day…did I feel spoilt or what….3 parcels in the one day, and it wasn’t fabric that I’d sneakily purchased online, hee hee!

First up, there’s this great bunch of blocks from Gail (thanks hun)…hopefully it’s clear enough for you to see the Mallard Duck fabric she used.

Next, I got some lovely blocks from someone with the initials Karen B from Peak Hill, NSW…thanks so much, it looks like you had some fun making them, am I right????

Lastly, on that same day, I got a humungous AHQ love package from Dasha….enough of the BOM’s to make a whole quilt top, and some, okay, you caught me, a lot of great fabric to use how I see fit for AHQ.  First I’ll show you the fantastic blocks…don’t they look stunning set out this way?

That’s not actually all of them, like I said, there’s enough to make a whole quilt top.  
Thank you sew much Dasha!

And last but not least, the fabric that Dasha sent with the BOM’s…some yummy Aussie Flag fabric….I think I’ll use that around labels on the quilts, or maybe in a few quilt blocks, or both….it’s one of my favourite Aussie Fabrics (you been spying on me?!? lol) 
Then there’s the black and white fabric at the bottom that will make a few great laundry bags and the fabric on the top right has all sorts of ‘old style’ newspaper articles among the splashes of colour, so I’m thinking this one will be a great brick or strip style quilt.  
Once again, thank you Dasha!

Hi, it is Jan-Maree here!  I am loving seeing these cool blocks arrive!  Can’t wait to see the quilts that result.  I have seen a few sneak peaks of the quilts that have resulted from last months mammoth number of BOM blocks!  I can’t wait to show you!

And now for our favourite kind of happy mail.   This fellow not only sent me an email to pass on to Kareb B, his quilter, but he also posted on facebook!  Now that is what I call saying thank you!

I received my quilt today 16 Oct 12, thank you so much to Karen B from NSW who sent on 5 Oct, as you can see I have it on my bed and also the Laundry bag, which I will put on my wall as it is too nice to be used as a laundry bag.
You are doing a wonderful job supporting the troops and providing that bit of home support that is well and truly appreciated.
Best Regards  

He is so welcome!  And it doesn’t stop there – I posed the following question on Facebook today –  

Does anyone actually write their name etc on the blank patches that we put on the laundry bags? Do they realize that is what the patches are for?  
Interested to know what the feedback is. 

And guess who replied…

Yes, we do write our names on the laundry bags, I am lucky Karen B put my initials on mine, Thanks Karen.

Just love it when I find out that what we are doing is working!

And if you are a Facebook follower I posted this on the page today but just in case you miss it I am adding it here as well.

If you’d like to stay up to date with all posts on Aussie Heroes apparently you need to change your settings but it is simple. Please follow these instructions.

1. You need to go to your computer (you can’t do it on your mobile)
2. On the right hand side on the page right next to the “like” button there is a drop down box.
3. Click on that drop down box and click on the “add to interest list”

It is that simple.

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!