First up a lovely thank you message for Melissa from HMAS ANZAC
Dear Melissa & family,
My name is XXXXX and I am a Lieutenant in the Navy. I would like to express my sincere thanks for the beautiful quilt you made, which I received in December – just in time for Christmas! 

Additionally, thank you for the accompanying note with the quilt. I am honoured to be the first recipient of what I am sure will be many more quilts (judging by the excellent quality). The quilts were very sought after on board and I want to pass on how grateful I and the crew are for all the hard work that goes into making them, it really is very much appreciated. I noted that your daughter helped you to make my quilt and as I too have a daughter (6 yrs), I felt a special connection. Many people have commented on how lovely my quilt is and it was great to be able to share that it was your first ever quilt, made with the help of your family and co-worker.

I thought you may enjoy a photo, which I had taken in front of our helo.  

Thanks again for making such a wonderful memento for me of my time on board HMAS Anzac in the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) and I will treasure it forever.

Yours Aye

And a few more

Hi Stephanie,

Would just like to say a big thank you for the fantastic laundry bag you made for me. I have to say it really is wonderful and the design is really great. Again, thank you so much! It was quite the unexpected surprise to receive it as it was obviously unexpected. As you can imagine, everyone here looks forward to receiving mail from home and any package received always increases morale, regardless of who its from.

Anyway, again, thank you for the lovely laundry bag you sent for me. Its people like you who give up their time for us here that keep our hearts warm, our morale up and our minds focused. And for all that, to us, you are all true heroes!

Hi Stephanie,

I just wanted to send a quick email to let you know I received your parcel today. The laundry bag is fantastic and I will be putting it to use straight away. Not surprisingly, the M&Ms were consumed on sight by those I work with. 

Thank you and regards,

Hey Judy and Dickie,
 Thank you for the blanket and bag, it is very much appreciated and will cop a fair bit of use!    It’s a bit fresh but no where near as cold as I was imagining (touch wood it stays that way).   Hope you all had a awesome Xmas and New Years, thank you again for the blanket and bag.
 The quilt you sent could not be more amazing and could not have come at a better time.
 You are right in terms of weather, it is getting very cold here. They are predicting snow
 here tomorrow.  Morning temperatures have been minus 2 to minus 5 degrees. Kabul was minus 16′ just last week.  The soldiers, sailors and airmen are so appreciative of the efforts of yourself and those that contribute to quilts for “Aussie Heroes”.
Might I add, so am I. 

The following also refers to a quilt that Liz sent.

Hi All
You sent a quilt to my daughter who is serving in the Middle East. I just can’t tell you how thrilled she is and how supported she feels by your magnificent work. Thank you all so much.  I’m not up to quilting but I’ll be working on some laundry bags for you.

And now for some of the Happy Mail that didn’t make it into last night’s post!

First up some gorgeous 80’s crazy blocks from Claire!  I think we have enough now and unless somebody else badly wants to have the fun of putting this together I will get on to it as soon as I get back from driving my son to Boarding School next week.  Should any extra blocks turn up I will do something fun with them for the back!

Jodie – a grateful Mum of one of our recipients has put this quilt top together for us and I will be adding a few words to it to suit one of our special requests.  Thanks Jodie, you have given me a great base to build on.

These laundry bags are Jodie’s work too.

Kiwi Karen took this home and sewed it together after the Penrith Sewing Day and it has arrived back in the mail.  I am trying to decide if it needs a kangaroo or not.

Judith M dropped in yesterday with the motherload.  First these great BOM blocks

Then two quilts with backings and battings to be quilted.

And some great laundry bags.

I am sending this one to 7RAR.

Miriam sent over this gorgeous quilt top and it has been beautifully quilted by Paul and Paula.  I have decided to put it aside as a Wounded Warrior Quilt which it seems perfect for.

Pieced from Blocks of the month and quilted by Paul and Paula

Just had to show you the backing fabric which was donated by Judith and was just perfect for this gorgeous cheery quilt

These were made by Michelle on her embroidery machine and sent to me for a special recipient on HMAS TOOWOOMBA.  I actually grabbed some of these this morning and added them to some BOM blocks and before I knew it I had a quilt top ready to go to the quilter today!  YAY.  And I have some of the nautical pics leftover for another nautical quilt!

Michelle also made this for another special recipient on HMAS TOOWOOMBA

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Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!