Hi All,
This will be a fairly short post tonight as I just arrived back home, still have to unpack and get ready for my other son to start school tomorrow.  

First up the date for the next Penrith Sewing Day  is Sunday 17thFebruary.  All you need to bring is your sewing machine and bits and pieces.  All other materials and what nots will be provided by  me.  It is wise to BYO lunch and a drink as I don’t think there are many options for buying anything.  It would be great if you could let me know if you are planning to come so that i can make sure there is enough for everyone to do.

We will be at Penrith Patchwork from 10 am till 2pm – email me if you have any questions.

We only have one photo for happy mail today – I suspect you were all busy making Australia Day Laundry Bags!  LOL  These blocks and a whole bunch more – a total of 80 blocks were send in by Dorothy!  Enough for two quilts!  Well done!!!

We do have some other happy mail though – how about some thank you messages. 
To Dear Liz, and AHQ;

I just received your beautifully hand crafted quilt in the mail!! I am writing to you to thank you for this beautiful gesture! The detail and patterns are gorgeous, and I already treasure it as a beautiful reminder of home, and of the kind hearted and generous people that support us over here. 
I have just reached the half way mark of my trip last week. There is a group of us over here from our Regiment in Adelaide; and we are all starting to count down to our return home!! The weather here is quite the opposite, as you said – particularly the heat and also the rain. Winter has been kind (so far) only getting down to -5*C. Today was quite a warm 10*C as well! Certainly no floods or fires! 
Thankyou once again for your beautiful quilt. I really do treasure it, as do other recipients over here. Something hand made so lovingly from home by people such as your self is a wonderful gift and one that puts a smile on all of our faces!!
The following relates to a quilt that Paul and Paula quilted with Aircraft!  Of course I sent it to a RAAFie!

Hi Jan-Maree,
I received the quilt and absolutely love it. What a great idea to stitch in the silhouettes of aircraft. I spent a cold xmas with my guys in Afghanistan huddled around a 44 gallon drum waiting for aircraft to come and go but enjoyed the experience. Soon most of us will have returned from leave and have to knuckle down to ride out the remaining weeks to ensure everything is shipshape for the new guys coming in. Take care and thank you very much and all the rest of your team that do this just out of good will. It does make a difference.
Hi Stephanie,
You kindly made me a personalised laundry bag with my initials and a horse print on the outside.   My friend wrote to the Aussie Heroes Quilt organisation when I raved on about his blanket. It was a lovely surprise to receive a personalised bag and blanket. I think they are a wonderful idea as they are not only useful while deployee, they are a wonderful memento of my time spent here. I get much enjoyment from seeing all the boys carrying their very colourful laundry bags around. 

I have a horse, hence my friend’s suggestion as a theme for my bag. I haven’t yet thought of a use for it when I get home, but I’m sure it will come in handy storing or protecting some of my horse gear without getting it too dirty or damaged. 

I am at the end of my trip and I am very much looking forward to going home. I have immensely enjoyed this deployment and have met some incredible people, but there is no place like home. 

Thank you very much for dedicating your time and energy to making my bag. It is a wonderful idea and I greatly appreciate the thought and effort that generous people like yourself donate to bring us something special while we are away. The thought is not lost on me and merely revitalizes my love of Australia

Hello Janelle
Have received your box of Laundry Bags, they are great, some nice colours and patterns. I will pass them along to my counterparts in another location for them to hand out. You all do a wonderful job with your patchwork and quilting and rest assured that your efforts are very much appreciated. They bring just that little piece of Australia into some harsh environments that some of us are enduring.
Once again Thank You for your work
Jan-Maree, Thank you very much for the quilt and laundry bag they’re beautiful, I really appreciate all the hard work that went into making it – so thank you very much. 
Can’t wait to take it home and show my family. Thanks again
A very special post is coming up tomorrow night.  Tess from SA suggested that I do some “historical” posts – i.e. go over some of the things that brought Aussie Heroes to where we are now.  I thought that was a great idea but as I know the story so well and as I can always use a little bit of help I asked Janine C from QLD if she would be interested in doing it for me.  Luckily she said yes.  So, at the end of every month now we will have a post that goes over what we were doing this time last year. 
I hope you will enjoy it.
Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
oh and I just have to tell you – I have been signing off with the above messages since almost the very first post – and I only just found out last night that Deputy Nut, a.k.a. Caroline, had never ever noticed!  Good to see she is paying attention!  LOL