Happy Mail 25th June

Written by AHQ

25 June 2014

Hi everyone, as you may know I have had an eventful week ( if you missed it… I had an accident with my rotary cutter.. quite serious… 4 stitches), so I am typing this at a slower pace.  You really don’t realise how much you use your index finger till you can’t use it.  For all of those who missed it… please be super careful it is so easy to do, and also thanks to all those that sent well wishes.  I am back to the doctor’s tomorrow for a progress report.

Edit by Jan-Maree
To expand a bit- Caroline all but cut the fleshy pad off the bottom off her index finger – think of the part used for finger printing!  We are just hoping that the four stitches are enough for the pad to re-adhere otherwise it will be a problem.  Yes, her blade was sharp but this shows what a momentary loss of concentration can do.  Very tempted to show you the pic without the bandage but I know some of you would not appreciate that. 
Be careful people.  And yes, we will be organising an appropriately name KLUTZ glove for Caroline before too long!

OK back to the job at hand.  Here are all the great things that have turned in the post office this week.

First up from S Wild some lovely red white and blue June BOM’s

These lovely laundry bags came from Robyn W.  The last 2 are front and back shots.  
They are wonderful.

What great bunch of beautiful quilt tops from Christine C.  She certainly has been busy.  Wonderful job.

Lastly Lyn has sent in this awesome quilt top as well.  Love it.
That’s all for this week.  Next week we will have our latest Block of the Month coming out, so I hope you are all looking forward to that.
Happy Stitching

A quick note – for anyone planning to come to the top of Castle Hill to say hello and share a glass of bubbly on Friday night in Townsville we are expecting to be there around 6pm.
Looking forward to seeing you if you are coming.  

Til next time………..stay away from the Rotary cutter Caroline and for everyone else….
Keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Get better soon Caroline, Great job everyone, lovely stuff!

  2. Chyfey

    As an x nurse I have seem chainsaw , knife ,nail gun accidents but never a cutter cut.
    Sorry and get well

  3. Susan

    Nasty accident – I can imagine the blood too – what a mess. Get better soon Caroline -nearly time for another block?? where did that month go?
    Great work by everyone.


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