Happy Mail 23rd September

Written by AHQ

23 September 2015

Hi Everyone
Hope you are all having a great week.  Here are the goodies that arrived this week.
These lovelies are from Margaret

Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing what is in the post office box next week.
Happy Stitching

And a few from my PO Box as well….

These first two quilts and laundry bags turned up in my PO box last week and they are absolutely gorgeous!!!  The only problem is that there was no return address, no letter or note and the only clue as to who made them is the name “Helen of Sale” added to the label.  If you made them or if you know who did please let me know. I have already sent one off to a new home and would love to be able to pass on some thanks if any is received.

Please, please, please, include a note with your name and email or address with whatever you send so that I can make a note of it.  

Four great laundry bags from June A.  The pineapple ones are heading off as soon as I have time to post them.  LOL

These quilt tops came from Kaye G. They started life as a single top donated to Bev M and Kaye divided them up and added the map of Australia.

Bev M 

Thanks everyone.

Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Cheers JMxx

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