Happy Australia Day!!

Written by AHQ

26 January 2014

Just a little Australia Day Ditty by JMB

January twenty sixth is a special date,
Country-wide it’s Australia Day, mate!
For most of us it is a day we can play.
Most Aussies will mark it in some special way.
What will you eat, what will you prepare;
A classic meal of our best Aussie fare?
Is it spuds with pumpkin and a roast leg of lamb?
Will desert be some pav, or just damper and jam?
Will you go to the beach, or just watch the cricket,
Shouting with joy at each lost pommie wicket.
However you choose to celebrate,
What we in this country have achieved to date,
Please remember our Heroes in far off lands,
Whether serving at sea, or on desert sands.
They are just where they need to be,
To keep good ole Oz safe for you and me.
We need them, we owe them, let’s salute them too.

For all that they sacrifice to do what they do.

To all of our soldiers, sailors and airmen serving our country today, especially those deployed away from home, Happy Australia Day
and thank you from all at Aussie Hero Quilts!


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  1. Sue Niven

    Happy Australia Day to you all.


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