Grati-Tuesday 30th August 2022

Written by AHQ

30 August 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic start to their week. Nearly Spring time!!!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the 
following gratitude letters and photos. 
Dear Lynn K,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a thoughtful gift. After 22 years in the Australian navy this would have to be the gift that means the most. 
My Marvel laundry bag is now the envy of my mess mates and displayed proudly in my cabin. In a few weeks we will again deploy for 3 months and return home mid December. I’m looking forward to the laundry bag use.  
I live on the South coast NSW when not working in Sydney and enjoy my down time with my wife and kids. 
Lynn, thank you once again for your time and effort into making such a meaningful gift. 
Wishing you well and best wishes. 

Clarissa L,


It was an unexpected joy to discover that someone had arranged for a personalised laundry bag for me – I know a number of ADF people who have receive quilts or laundry bags and they are much treasured. I was a fulltime Army Officer for 12 years before transferring to the reserves in order to pursue ministry training. Since transferring to chaplaincy in 2012, I have deployed briefly to the Middle East, and served domestically in response to bushfires, COVID, and flood. My military service must have had a positive influence on my family as our eldest son is in his 3rd year at the Australian Defence Force Academy as an Army Officer Cadet, and our second son has just joined the Navy. I am even more eager for good ADF chaplains now to support them and their Christian walk!


I am so encouraged by the whole ‘Aussie Hero Quilt’ project as wonderful people like you and Jan-Maree seeing a way to use your skills to serve others. I’ve seen a similar thing at our church where some of the ladies were inspired to make handmade quilts to send to people in Lismore who lost so much in the floods. They have just sent 25 quilts. Gifts of money and goods can be a blessing, but there is something extra special about the time and effort that has gone into such lovely unique quilts and laundry bags. I have paused just now to give thanks to God for you and your work.


Thanks again, 


God bless,


Dear Gayle W,


I wanted to take the time to personally thank you for taking the time to create something so special and unique. 


As a  way of an introduction or a little bit about myself, I grew up in an Army family. My Dad served over 40 years full time service. We moved to Canberra when I was 11 and have lived here ever since. I completed my studies in social work working predominately in mental health. I have been working for defence the past 4 years. As the only mental health professional where I work it has been an honour supporting those I come in contact with. 


When I received your quilt, I was nearly in tears. I feel so appreciated and acknowledged. It warms my heart knowing there are so many kind, caring and generous people like yourself out there. 


My husband (who is a veteran) and I are currently renovating and we have the perfect spot we wish to display the quilt. 


Thank you so much,


All the best….


Hello Deb K,


Sorry for taking so long to write to you, the trip was very busy and I’ve come back to an even busier part of the year. Thank you so very much for your amazing work! My wife and I absolutely love the artwork you have made. We’re looking at getting a hanger offline so we can put the quilt up on the wall without damaging it. It is truly amazing the work you put into it and then to send it to a stranger. The laundry bag you made will be coming with me next month and will be used well for the rest of the year.





Good morning Barbara D,


I noticed your email on top of the letter you sent out with my quilt and just wanted to thank you for the awesome job you have done! Unfortunately I am not at sea right now so will see what the wife thinks about putting it on our bed at home (well, my side anyway!).


I grew up in Tasmania and have always ridden and raced bikes from the time I could save the $200 needed to buy my first one in 1987! Since joining the Navy in 1997 though I didn’t have time for bikes until 2007 when I had the money and shore posting to buy one again. I have ridden KTM bikes since then and currently have a KTM 300 and a KTM 1090 adventure bike. I think growing up in the country and especially in the 80’s and 90’s enabled some awesome memories of riding my bikes with my Brother and friends in all the endless forestry tracks open to recreation down there. It is much harder to ride here in WA and abide by the law as they don’t have the designated riding area’s.


My job as an Acoustic Warfare Manager is my primary qualification whereby I manage all the underwater sensors onboard and have sailors to operate the equipment. This provides the Command will all the acoustic data needed to detect, identify, classify and engage targets at sea.


When I am in port though it is very busy as I am the one who tracks all the training, individual readiness, discipline, travel, postings and all the work for the Petty Officers in 4 branches. It is a definite slow down when you come ashore into an office role!


Anyway, thanks again for the beautiful quilt! Every one of us that receive a quilt or laundry bag are very grateful  



Good evening Shirley D,

I apologise for the delay in getting back to you about the awesome quilt I received. I would just like to say thank you very much! I think this blanket will stay with me forever. I was truly shocked and very impressed when I opened the package. So thank you very much.
Unfortunately the blue boys did not finish off the year as I would have liked, however it is what it is. Hopefully next year and hopefully Charlie Curnow has another good year.

I’ve had a good read of your letter, and it sounds like you have a lovely family down there in Victoria. And I hope all is going well for you. I am very familiar with that area, as I am a Victorian myself. 

Once again thank you very much


Hi Ruth,


I just wanted to send a quick note thanking you for the amazing laundry bag you made and really capturing some of my passions.


I developed and continue to run a very successful Aboriginal Community Engagement program in Port Augusta, South Australia. We not only support the local Aboriginal Community but also the transient population from West SA and the APY Lands. We have contributed to the vaccination of over 200 vulnerable community members. This was not only limited to Covid but also influenza and pneumonia.


I am very passionate about supporting the Aboriginal Communities and actually taking action to Close the Gap in meaningful and enduring ways, so the inclusion of Indigenous art was really special for me.


It was nice to also see the inclusion of the pre-hospital work I do as the volunteer Deputy State Nurse with St John Ambulance.


The work and support you provide through Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags means so much to myself and all our Serviceman and Women. It is always humbling to receive one of these laundry bags while away and they become a special memory and talking point of these times away from home and loved ones.


Thank you and keep up the fantastic work you continue to achieve every day.  


Kind regards



Well thats it for another week. I am sure we can all agree that this is a special collection of thank you’s, as always….


Till next week…. 


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