For Julie Ann
Good morning/afternoon,
I would like to thank you very much for the absolutely fantastic laundry bag that I received the other day.
What a brilliant surprise, the bag will be something that I will take home and keep for the rest of my years.
It is very humbling to know that even people we have never met are willing to take the time to make something so personalised and special, it does indeed put a smile on my face.
Its the little things from home (Australia) that mean the most,
So thank you once again,
P.S. I plan to give my daughter this bag so hopefully it will be shared and past down to her children and so on with all the memories that were passed onto me by my father and great grand parents.
Hi Pia,
I received your parcel today in the post. The bags are always well received. We have a member of the team who is a keen fly fisherman so I gave that one to him, he was very impressed! We are several weeks into a very long deployment and we are feeling the isolation. It is good to know that we are still thought of back in Australia. I hope you are having a pleasant winter, the temp over here is 50 degrees and 5% humidity. The wind feels like you are holding a hair dryer in front of your face!
Thanks again for the bags!
For Lynn and I
I have received my quilt today and it is amazing it sits nicely on my rack and will be getting a lot of use. The design is amazing and put a big smile on my face, Thank-you so much, what your doing is amazing and is greatly appreciated Thank-you once again
Dear Rita C,
And this one would be my favourite and I especially wrote to ask permission to publish it. You will understand why when you read it! LOL
Joan & Robyn,
Great stuff!
I have always been really proud of what this group does for our girls and guys 'over there'…but the message from the poor fella who thought he had 'lost' his laundry bag…well, lets just say it really hit home just how much our laundry bags mean to these very special people. oopps,something in my eye….
What an excellent story – he though he'd lost his laundry bag, accused everyone of staling it, found the tag and then the bag, had to apologise to everyone, planned to get a better bag and – voila! one appeared.