Grati-Tuesday 27 June 17

Written by AHQ

27 June 2017

Tuesday’s post is always one of my favourites for the week.  I spent 12 hours yesterday organising one special project (can’t tell you everything) on top of the normal request list emails, and it is messages like these that make it easy to do it! 

Happy reading everyone!


I am an Army member serving as crew on HMAS Choules for the last three years.

I would like to say a big thank your organisation for your kind gesture in making a Hero Quilt washing bag for us whilst we were on Cyclone Debbie duties.

I know how much effort you and your ladies put into these quilts and bags in support for all members of the ADF who are deployed.

When I received the washing bag I was over the moon, that someone cares and supports us in our field of employment.

I have previously received a Hero quilt and washing bag when I was deployed in the Middle East in 2013 and I still use them today.

The new washing bag I have just received is now being used as my last washing bag was starting to wear out.

Thank you,


Hi Jan-Maree! I have to say I’m absolutely thrilled with my laundry bag. I absolutely love it and will be writing a letter to Anne thanking her. It’s dead set perfect! The goodies in the box were an extra delighted surprise! Thank you so very much.


Hello Sue

I am currently serving in Afghanistan. I received your Hero Quilt you lovingly made for me a few month’s ago and I’m afraid I’ve been a bit lax in showing my gratitude towards the effort and care you put in. I absolutely love it and while I was on leave I took it home to Australia to show my mother, who knows of Hero Quilts and is a quilter herself in her spare time, and she thought it was marvelous and insisted I get in touch with you as soon as I could. Once again I would like to thank you for the quilt and I’ve attached a photo so you can see it.

Take care


I wanted to thank you for the laundry bag I received from you.
We collected them about a month ago. It certainly was a  lovely gesture and the whole ship’s crew appreciated them.
From the looks of the ship’s laundry mine is not the  only one that has not been put to good  use!

Hey Jess,

Firstly thank you to yourself and the class of 3/4B for the amazing quilt. I am nearing the end of my deployment now and just received your care package and quilt. I also read through all the letters and cards that the class sent me. The coloured in pictures are now stuck up on the inside of my locker.

I am a Electronics Technician on board and I have also been part of the emergency response team called ‘Standing sea fire and emergency party’.  My primary role as an ET means I look after all the missiles on the ship and our defence systems.  My job as part of the SSFEP is BA-H which is Breathing apparatus hose. This involves being apart of a party of two people who are the initial fire fighters to any sort of fire that may occur on the ship.

We do a lot of training while at sea to make sure that our skills are good enough so that we are ready to respond to anything that may happen.

We have spent 219 days away from home and not long to go. We have been to a lot of middle eastern countries including, India, Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Tanzania and the Seychelles.


Hi Joy 

I loved the quilt you made it was a lot better then expected – you have done an amazing job gotta say 100 time better then what I could have done haha 
I am a infantry  private from the great 7RAR based in Adelaide I have been in the army for about two and a half years now and still enjoying my jobs I have had two deployments to kabual Afghanistan  as ROCL relief ( I replace the boys who go on leave ) I was here last year from August to November and this year I got  here in march and I am set to go home in under two weeks 
It is such a nice thing you do making all the quilts you make it shows to me that their are people back home who actually care about our well being beside family and who take the time to make something from the heart
I wish you and your family the best of luck in your life and hope you are doing well i just want to say thank you for the lovely quilt 


Hi Ruth,

Thank you so much for the care package with the laundry bag.
I didn’t realise before deploying how many people send care packages full of goodies.
It’s nice to see that our deployed soldiers, airmen and sailors are still thought of and supported by our nation.
Thank you and keep up the good work.


Dearest Sue,
I’d like to begin by sending my heartfelt thanks for making me the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen. In your design you captured the simple things that fill my soul – tea cups, tea pots and a well stocked bookshelf!

  I received the quilt one month to the day I left Australia, that being 11 May. Forgive me for my delayed response. I haven’t had a day off since arriving in theatre so was struggling to find you a suitable thank you gift, but managed to find this humble camel which I hope will always remind you of how thankful we are to those back home, that care so much to give their valuable time to those so far from home.

 Our accommodation over here is quite spartan, but I’m grateful we have air conditioning to be able to sleep. We’re managing 50 Degrees daily and dehydration is a big risk.  So your quilt has made my spartan accommodation feel like home. I simply adore hand made Items, More so since the passing of my dear mother in 2011, so your gift to me became a family heirloom with my daughter attempting to claim it for her bed when I return. I however think it will take pride of place on the back of our lounge as evenings in Canberra are quite cool even in autumn and spring.

 Anyway dear Sue I am writing this whilst having lunch so I must return to work. Please know that thank you is not enough for the most beautiful quilt you made me, but heartfelt thanks is all I can give.

I wish you and your family all the very best and know that we are very grateful to you for your kindness

  With fond regards

Dear Karen, 

I wanted to drop you a line and thank-you for the brilliant laundry bag that you were kind enough to make for me, which I have just received.  My colleagues were also thankful for the tim-tams and lollies as well! 
This is my second six month deployment to the Middle East, and I’ve also previously served with the United Nations for twelve months in East Timor.  It was not until arriving on my current deployment that I had become aware of the Aussie Quilts project, and as soon as I had seen some of the many terrific quilts and laundry bags that many of our people had 
taken advantage of that I decided that I would like to get one as well.  Thank-you very much for the kind gesture and for taking the time to do this.  It is very much appreciated. 
We are currently “enjoying” 50 degree days each and every day here and the thought of swapping for the cooler delights of Canberra where I am currently based back in Australia seems very appealing.  Fortunately I have a two week break coming up and the end of this month, where I will be joining my partner for a couple of weeks holiday, which I’m very much looking forward to. 
My laundry bag is going to be a very nice reminder of my final deployment


Good afternoon Janeene,

Yesterday I received my parcel from yourself.  Thank you so much for the quilt, laundry bag, Tim Tams and of course Tommy Hawkins poster.  I cant thank you enough for the effort and time you put into making these for us.

To see that it was made from someone in Geelong, makes it that little bit more special.  I grew up in Meredith and went to school in Geelong, so that place and of course GFC are very special to me.  

The Quilt and Laundry bag are fantastic, so well made. It must take you a long time to do them and I cant thank you enough for making them.  It was so good to read the Advertiser and the Tommy Hawkins poster hangs proudly in my room.

Once again Thank you it is a fantastic thing you do for the Serving members and we all greatly appreciate the time, passion and energy you put into making them.

Go Cats!

Hi Jean

I received the Laundry bag you made on Tuesday afternoon and I must say it is very impressive and a most wonderful effort that you have put in for me. I am particularly impressed with the scroll work and my initials. I cannot thank you enough for the work that you have put in and cannot adequately express my thanks for your efforts. Rest assured that the bag will get good use for the remainder of my tour here in the Middle East. At this stage, my return to Australia is a little over two months from now and I find it amazing that the time has gone so quickly. We have had some exceptionally hot days here over the last month or so with last Saturday afternoon being 48.9 degrees in the shade. It was a real effort to walk even the 300 metres to the bed sheet exchange building. Thankfully most areas have very good air conditioning and staying inside most of the time is the thing to do.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you again for the Laundry Bag. Thanks for your work and the work you do for all the Servicemen and women who are deployed.

Dear Joan and Robin,

Thank you both for the laundry bag. The bright colours certainly brighten up my life here.

I have been overwhelmed by the support the Australian Defence Force members receive from proud Australians like yourselves.

We are working on getting a group photo for you and will hopefully have it for you in the near future.

Thank you once again.


Hey Ruth,

I received in the mail the laundry bag that you made for me. 

Thank you so much for taking the time and making it for me, I really appreciate the effort you put in and it definitely brightened up my day and week! 

I hope the Power do well this season but more importantly hope the Crows take home the premiership.
Many thanks


I wanted to write to you so say a HUGE thank you for the quilt you made for me!! I absolutely love it, it’s perfect and it’s made me so happy and really brightened up my room! Plus thank you for the matching laundry bag – I love it! The design is awesome and the teepee with my initials really made me laugh, that was very clever! 😃 😃

I just got back from R&R leave and I when I came back I heard there were 2 parcels waiting for me and it was a lovely surprise, plus all the additional Aussie goodies you put in there for me, was so lovely of you! Thank you!! Plus my fiancé was very impressed when I showed him through Skype!

I have been away for just over 5 months now and a few weeks to go before I head back to a very cold Canberra winter. It’s very warm over here, about mid to high 30’s so I will definitely notice the cold! 

Anyway I wanted to touch base with you to thank you.

Thank you so much again, I’m so grateful!

All the best, 

Good Afternoon Jan-Maree

Just wanted to say I received my quilt and laundry bag yesterday, and they are simply amazing.

I received mine from Di from Tasmania, and she did a simply incredible job. I can’t thank her enough, both bring such a smile to my face every time I see them. Such incredible colours, and more then I could have ever imagined when I requested a quilt.

Thankyou for everything you, and your quilters do!!!! It is the most incredible thing, and I am sure that I am not the only one that knows that having something beautiful to come back to at the end of every day, makes each day just the little bit better.

Thankyou again.


Hey Rhoda,

I received in the mail the laundry bag and quilt that you made for me. I really appreciate the time and effort you spent in making them, they are better than I could of ever imagined. Receiving them has definitely brightened up my day and week and I hope you and your husband are doing very well. Hopefully the Crows continue their good season and win the premiership!

Many Thanks

Dear Denise, 

I would like to thank you very much for the beautiful quilt, laundry bag and pencil case. 
I’m a medic/nurse with the ADF and this quilt meant the world to me, when it arrived I had been going through a terrible time and it truly brightened up my month. 
The kindness of strangers like yourself inspired me to do something similar and I started to make dreamcatchers whilst hospitalised. It is now my goal to raise money for veterans charities with the sale of my dream catchers, I have only just started the Facebook page but it will be called mending dreams. 


G’Day Sue,

Just a quick email to thank you for the awesome quilt  and laundry bag you have made and sent over.  During the difficult times of being away from family and friends in a desolate corner of the world it is gestures like these that lift our spirits and keep us focused on the job at hand. I have a wife of 21 years and an 11 year old son at home and at different times it can be difficult for all three of us to keep upbeat, but it is encouraging that we all, as a family, have great support back home and that people understand that what we are doing is helping in the security of Australia, not just the local region here.

Once again, thank you very much for the gift, it is greatly appreciated and will always be in our family as a gesture of the kindness of people in Australia. 

Kind Regards,

Dear Kate,

Thank you so very much for the love and care you have put into the colourful laundry bag.

I had a great time opening the package and seeing it all for the first time, the tasty treats were a great addition and they have been put to good use.
The colours on the bag are very eye-catching and psychedelic.  It now hangs in pride of place on my locker and has been used countless times.

It gives me great pleasure to write to you and say thank you so very much.
Needless to say, it gives me great excitement to receive goodies and kind words from home and always manages to put a smile on my face.

Being away from home for months on end does take its toll, but the packages you and those like you make and send helps to alleviate some of that home sickness.
It was so amazing to receive something so personal just for me, and for that I thank you for all of your hard work and artistic flair that went into making this special gift.

Thank you and God bless.

Hi Di

First of all, oh my goodness, my quilt and laundry bag and incredible, I actually can’t wipe the smile off my face. Both are absolutely perfect and are just so so me!!!
Thankyou so much for all the thought, time and effort you put into my quilt and laundry bag. It is such a beautiful thing you do for us, and I know anyone that has received one of your quilts would say the same!!!
I can’t even imagine how cold it is in Tasmania currently. I currently have overnight lows of 33 and highs of about 49, so a tad warmer I’m guessing.
Good luck with your travels to Cairns and the east coast of Australia, will be so lovely!! Oh how exciting being grandparents, I have a niece who is 3 and nephew who is 2 and they bring so much joy to a family.
Thank you  again, words can not describe my thanks and joy for my quilt and laundry bag.
Stay warm!!!


To whom this concerns,

I am currently serving on HMAS Arunta in the Middle East Region.
This email is to convey my appreciation to the many parties that have contributed to the creation of a masterpiece that is now my quilt and laundry bag that I received from your organisation. I was very moved to receive the package containing the goodies and also to receive and read the beautiful letter enclosed. 
First, a little bit about me.
Throughout my childhood, I have grown up, part of a family of quilters and have seen the amount of effort and work that goes into these finished products. My Grandmother, Mother and Sister all quilt, applique and do stitchwork and as a teen there were many times I was dragged along to another craft show or quilters fair to see the works. I also remember walking into my Grandmothers sewing room (packed to the ceiling full of odd fabrics and projects) and wondering why anyone would have one room dedicated to this artwork. To say I wasn’t interested would of been a lie, I even had the chance to learn a little bit myself but found that Cross stitch was more to my liking. I could never seem to work out the sewing machine properly and stitching straight was my greatest challenge. My mum still quilts to this day and every time I go home she has another bit of stitching that she is working on to finish. Unfortunately due to work and change of taste, I have moved away from stitchwork but still have many of my finished pieces stashed away for safe keeping.
I have currently been serving in the Royal Australian Navy as a Marine Technician for just under 13 years.  I have served in several ships over the years including HMAS Perth, HMAS Warramunga and HMAS Toowoomba. I have been on HMAS Arunta now for four years since her upgrade. I am married with no kids and my wife is very supportive of my career. She was a Assistant in Nursing when I met her in 2011 and now is studying to be a registered Nurse. We have been married for 3 years. 
Finally, I would like to again send my regards for your efforts with the Hero quilts that have been sent during this deployment. To see the many laundry bags getting around the ship is really exciting. It can also be used as a small game trying to guess who has chosen all the different designs. I think my bag is one of the most recognizable due to everyone knowing I support Hawthorn. Even though we are so far from home, you can never get away from the Football and supporter passion that will always be present.
Kind regards


Till next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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