Grati-Tuesday 25 October 16

Written by AHQ

25 October 2016

Last week I had the privilege of delivering a quilt to BRIG Kath Campbell on behalf of Rita M.  Kath is a reservist so I visited her offices for her day job.   I do not usually name the recipients as you know but Kath said “No need to be anonymous.  I want Rita to know how much I love the quilt and bag – they are still in my office and we are showing them off to our visitors.”
Needless to say she loved her quilt and whilst the intention was to take it home and put it on her bed, she decided straight away that it was far too nice to have it on the bed and needed to be on display.…..


Gday Kay D

I just received the quilt you made and its fantastic, especially since the weather has cooled off and you need a blanket or two at night. The other lads in the section are a bit jealous, thank you very much.
The tea and coffee were also a welcome sight as the mess has run out of both in the last week , and without a brew in the morning I cant function. 
The time and effort you spend making these for people doesn’t go amiss, the love is appreciated.
Again thank you.



I cannot express enough the gratitude that I have for the what you have sent up. The quilt and washing bag are amazing. We have 6 Essendon supporters in the Wardroom and they are all jealous of what I received. It is definitely a highlight of my deployment.

I guess I should share a little about myself. I have been in the navy for 12 years now. I joined straight out of high school at 17. Moved interstate and away from the family for the first time and haven’t looked back since (in the most loving way possible). I have complete two deployments to the middle east and this is my third that will shortly wrap up. I completed university with the Navy in Canberra from 2006-08 and since that time have served on 4 Patrol Boats, 5 Ships and 3 establishments. Also moving up the ranks to the Lieutenant that I am now. I have enjoyed just about every minute of it, so I am very blessed to be doing a job that I love; but it is definitely nice to have a little slice of home with me in an Essendon styled quilt.

I unfortunately have to run now. But I want to thank you again for your time and the lovely letter you sent. I do very much appreciate it.

yours Aye,

Hi Carla,
 So, after an enormous tour of Australia and the Middle East, my quilt finally found me! I departed the Middle East and returned home on September 1st, so my quilt first went overseas, bounced around the mail facility over there, and then slowly found its way back to me in Canberra after another six weeks. The ADF mail system is amazing…

I am super impressed by my quilt, it is exactly what I had in my mind and I really appreciate the effort you went to in making it for me!

Being away from home for such a long period was tough, and it’s really nice to know that there are people back in Australia who don’t know us, but still care for us and want to help make our lives as comfortable as possible. I’m now back home and getting back into a normal routine and back to my day job. It was a great adventure, but I’m very happy that it’s over and that I’m home.
Thank-you again for taking the time to make me this fantastic gift 🙂


Dear Joan,

Thank you so very much for your generosity in sending us the six laundry bags. They have walked out of my office in a matter of minutes! We have had a huge turnover of personnel, all of whom are delighted with the practicality of the laundry bags and their cheerfulness. The troops certainly are reassured that those at home, like yourself (and Robin) are thinking of them and value their service. Like your son I was deployed to the MER in the RAN (HMAS Parramatta 2008-09). These laundry bags are so much better than our issued dhobie bags.

May God Bless your hands and your health with creativity, dexterity and peace.

God Bless

Dear Joan & Robin

Thank you so much for the laundry bag, it is perfect. I was using an old pillow case so this is a major improvement. Also although I am a Sea Eagles fan I am originally from a farm outside of Cowra so I was a big fan of the design. 

It has been flat out for the last few weeks and this certainly brought some much needed morale boost so thank again.

The work you do with Aussie Hero Quilts is adored over here and as said before has brought a lot of morale to many people. Thank you again for the beautiful bag I will cherish it long after I return to Australia.
Gday Sue,

First of all I would like to say thank you for your work on the quilt. It looks absolutely amazing. So a little about myself. I am 40yrs old, married with 3 children also, the oldest being 15. This is my third deployment to the middle east. My last deployment here was in 2003.  I have been in the Navy for 22 years, as I have a very understanding wife.  Once again thank you for all your efforts making the quilts they are a great reminder of home. Stay safe and keep up the great work.

Thank you very much


Hi Carla,

I received my quilt the other day along with a flag & some chocolate, thank you.

I enjoyed the chocolate & have donated the flag to the Anzac ward to be added to the other Australian military memorabilia. I hope that this meets with your approval.

I was thrilled with my quilt. I appreciate the Red Cross in the centre, it was exactly as I had imagined it would be like. I will take it with me next time I go to sea.
Your efforts are very much appreciated.
The internet is a bit hit and miss over here & I have had trouble attaching the two photos of me with the quilt & the flag.
I will forward the photos in a separate email.


Hello Sue
I am a very grateful recipient of one of your fabulous laundry bags. I would like to show my gratitude for the wonderful laundry bag that you have given me.
At 22 years of age I joined the Army on the 11th January 2011, starting my basic training at Kapooka. Three months later I marched out proud as punch to be an Australian soldier. It was then off to Singleton, home of the School of Infantry, to learn my trade as a rifleman. During my rifleman training, whilst conducting close combat training I dislocated my knee, This was heartbreaking for me because it meant that I was sent to the rehab wing at Singleton until my injury healed, however I was then moved further down to Holsworthy in Sydney for more extensive rehabilitation for my injury. Whilst devastating, the Army did the right thing by me and within a few short months I was back at the School of Infantry and completing my course.
Upon completion of the Course I was sent to the 7th battalion in Adelaide. My time in Adelaide saw many hard field exercises and training activities out in the bush training areas all over Australia. Little did we know that this was the very early stages of our preparations for a deployment to Afghanistan.
My time in Afghanistan was a very big eye opening experience and one that I believe has grown me. as a person and as a soldier. I have some of the best mates that I have fought beside, that without question we would at any stage be prepared to lay our lives down to protect each other and that feeling of mateship that you would be hard pressed to get anywhere else.
I am currently on my second tour, this time in Iraq as a trainer. Here our mission is to train the Iraqi Army in order to defeat Daesh (also know as ISIS). This deployment is approximately 6 months long and hoping to get back on Australian soil just in time for Christmas.
I am a single man who has 2 lovely dogs that I am excited to get home to. I also have a mother, father, step father, brother and sister that live in Sydney who I try to visit as regularly as I can work permitting.
Once again I cannot thank you enough for your time and effort you put in. 
The work that you and all the other Aussie Hero Quilters do is very appreciated and something that helps us soldiers whilst away from home and loved ones for long periods of time.

Kind regards

Hello Bridget

Firstly I would like to say that the job you and the many other sewing ladies at Aussie Hero Quilts do an amazing job.

Being a serving member for almost 10 years I have seen many of my colleagues and fellow service members receive quilts and laundry bags from your organisation whilst on deployments. This always warmed my heart that there are people out there doing nice things for the ADF.

When I received my laundry bag I was over the moon, as I did not expect it. A few of us in my office received them at the same day and our morale was lifted. Thank you.

Once again thank you for the laundry bag. You guys are the real heroes.


Greetings Joy

A few words to give thanks to your efforts for the quilt you created for little old me.
I am so grateful not only for the quilt but all the added extras, my fav…. the packet of Tim Tams, as soon as my Australian counterparts heard the the rustling of the packet they knew what I was trying to hide from them, I would call it their sixth sense by far!

Your work is exceptional, and honestly hope your other customers reply back and tell you how awesome you are.

I love the personal touch of the kiwi insignia on the quilt, it reminded me that yes our nations are close but sometimes we are at the other end of the spectrum’s on certain point of views.

I have a 2yr old daughter who loves all animation, hence my request for a child themed quilt (people did ask the question what my motive was) but I explained it was to remind me of my daughter whilst being away who inevitably will pry it from my hands once I return home.

I will treat it and like all things with the respect it deserves, trust this message finds you well and please keep up the fantastic work, I am m sure many Australians and a few privileged kiwis are very grateful in their own way.

Hello Thelma,

Thelma I just received the quilt and laundry bag in the mail and I have to say I’m absolutely blown away! You are definitely a very skilled woman who has a lot of attention to detail and incredible hands!

I love both the quilt and laundry bag! Its perfect timing too as we are going into winter season and blankets are now back in season for us 🙂 I appreciate your work and I love it! I love the colours and the fabric and the feel and how it says my name and number! I think you did an incredible job and I’m grateful.

Again I appreciate the design and colors and i think its amazing! 

Dear Steve and Jenny,

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you immensely for both the Pig laundry bag and the amazing Pig quilt that arrived here together yesterday.

I cannot describe how appreciative I am for the time and effort that have gone into both. These gifts are more than something I will use whilst deployed; I intend for both the quilt and the laundry bag to be used in the family so that my children understand the gift I was lucky enough to receive.

It is fantastic that your son is currently serving in the 7th Battalion, I can assure you that in my time serving, I have not found a more community orientated unit. Being a part of the battalion feels more like a family than an occupation. The work the team did up in Two-Wells during the flooding was outstanding. They moved to help with very little warning and worked tirelessly. Whilst it is a shame you did not get the chance to spend more time with him on your trip to Adelaide, they did themselves, their families and the Battalion proud.

There is an interesting story behind the pig, and why it is our mascot. It comes from the original members of the battalion, in Puckapunyal in 1966 preparing to deploy to Vietnam, where, after a particularly rowdy night in the canteen, the Commanding Officer stood the Battalion on parade to address them for the mess they had created. The CO, then LTCOL Eric Smith, remarked that they were nothing but a ‘Mob of Pigs’, to which a soldier in the rear rank replied ‘Oink Oink’. From there it stuck, and since we have been referred to as the ‘Pig Battalion’.

I can only hope that the rains you received in Cowra were relieving and not damaging. The central west of NSW is a place I love and enjoy, and my thoughts are with everyone who have endured the extremes that the Australian climate always send your way.

Again, thank you and kind regards,


For a quilt made by Raeleen W 


I received my quilt yesterday. I was very glad to get it. I was also very suprised to see all the bombs on it. I am an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician, and one of my jobs is to defuse bombs. I couldn’t believe how perfect that quilt was. I will definitely enjoy and cherish it. Please pass my thanks on to all of you who do this amazing work. I am deeply grateful, and very glad to know that there are people like you and your organisation who support us over here.

Thanks much. 


Hi Pennie
There is a hand written letter on the way if it hasn’t already arrived, (but with Australia Post’s new rules where the CEOs salary is more important than our letters) it may not have yet arrived.
As I type I have a load of washing on and I thought a view of the laundry I use may give you a picture of just how much appreciated the laundry bags are.
This laundry has 50 washing machines and 50 dryers and it is shared by the 300 odd Australian staff along with our coalition partners. All up it is probably used by up to 600 or 700 people every week.  When it is busy every machine has a bundle on it and being able to quickly spot one’s own laundry bag just makes it so much easier to remember where you left the washing/drying.
The bags are also conversation starters with our coalition partners as they have nothing like them.  Those conversations start friendships between nationalities and that builds harmony on and off base.  So a little thing like a laundry bag is actually one of those things that brings very pleasant unintended consequences.

Thanks very much once again for your thoughtfulness and hard work to make my 6 and a half months so much more enjoyable.


Hi Linda,

I am a Flight Sergeant in the RAAF deployed to the Middle East and I was fortunate enough to obtain your laundry bag.

I am on a large American Air Force Base with around 10,000 personnel so it gets pretty busy in the laundries. However your laundry bag creates a good talking point with the American’s as they want to know about the different areas of WA portrayed on the bag. Even two people I chatted with have been to a few of the places.
I originally come from Eastern Victoria in a small country town but I went to Qld to live a number of years ago and that’s where my wife and family are.
I used to live in Perth for a year with a few friends playing footy. Loved the place.
Anyway Linda your bag is getting a lot of use and I really appreciate it and all the time you spent on it.
Thank you very much.

Dear Pam
Thank you so much for the laundry bags and goodies!  I have stashed the Tim Tams and Chocolates to share at our next fortnightly morning tea so that maximum personnel can enjoy them.  Of course I will mention that Aussie Hero Quilts (you) are our kind benefactor!  The laundry bags are just wonderful and walked out the door within minutes of my email.  We have had a large turnover of personnel recently as you suggest, many are hesitant to ask directly but are still delighted to receive a laundry bag when given the opportunity.  May God bless your hands, your sewing machine, your home and your family.
Thank you

Wendy Field,

I just received my Brisbane Lions themed laundry bag whilst deployed in Afghanistan on a 9 month tour. I just wanted you to know that it was a huge morale lifter and I have been running around base showing everyone!

I really appreciate your work and I hope you know how much it means to the soldiers that receive your gifts.

Congratulations on the famous Sharkies victory this year, the drought it finally over! I hope your family is doing well and you are enjoying Sydney.
Thanks again


Dear Rita,

Thank you so much for my toy story laundry bag.   It was a great feeling ditching the boring issued bag for this one.   I am sure it will accompany me on many postings in the future.   It is the perfect addition to my toy story bed sheets!

I have an uncle who serves in the Royal Navy as a medic, Besides that I am the only member of my family in the millitary.   I am sure there would be some amazing stories when your family are all together.

Once again thank you from everyone on board HMAS Perth.   It really was refreshing seeing everyone opening their parcels from AHQ.  You could feel the excitement around the ship even at this late stage of the deployment.  It really goes a long way and we all appreciate the hard work that goes into each piece.


Hi Jan-Maree, Leanne and Jean

I would like to thank you all so much for the lovely quilt and laundry bag that you made specially for me as a Kiwi based up here with my Aussie friends  in the Middle East.

They were absolutely lovely and have been commented on by everyone I work with here.

My 8 months over here has finally come to an end and I head home within the week.  I cannot wait to get home and see my children and see how much they have grown.  I talked to them yesterday and they are very excited about coming to the airport and welcoming me home (as long as I arrive bearing gifts)

I have a few days off work on my return then I am back into things in New Zealand.  I will hopefully get some time off over the Christmas and New Year period and am hoping for some nice weather so the family can go camping.

I wish you all the best for Christmas and want you all to know that that your efforts over here are really appreciated.  Those waiting for laundry bags and quilts really look forward to their arrival and they are always shown off to others with great pride.  

Keep up the great work!!

Warm regards

NZ embed within Op Accordion   



Hey Kim,

Firstly, thank you so much for the lovely quilt. It looks incredible and it has gone straight on my bed! Also please send my regards to Jan-Maree and Bridget. 

I’m a Lieutenant from 7 RAR which is an Infantry Battalion based in Adelaide. I was raised in Melbourne and my family still resides there. Prior to joining the Army I studied at Monash University.

Our unit is over here training the Iraqi Army to defeat Daesh. We have trained hundreds of Iraqi soldiers before they head out to confront Daesh. Some of the units we have trained are currently fighting in the battle for Mosul. 

The Iraqi people are very generous and hospitable. We work with a group of interpreters and every now and then they bring in a large banquet of middle eastern food. Their wives will spend days preparing beautiful food for us. It is a great opportunity for us to experience the local culture. 

Again Kim, thank you so much for the quilt. More importantly, thank you for taking the time out of what must be your busy schedule to sew it for me. I will treasure it and ensure it finds pride of place in my home when I return.
Best wishes,

Hello Joy H 

Just a quick message to say thank you very much for the fantastic quilt that you made and thank you for your support. The bright colours certainly bring a welcome splash of life to my room! When the parcel arrived in the office some of my colleagues from other Coalition nations were most impressed at your kind gesture as well – it brought a good deal of smiles to brighten up the day.

Thank you again and please pass on my regards to all back home from Aussie Hero Quilts.


Till next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching.

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Love all these thankyou's especially the ones with photo's must give the makers such a thrill :o)


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