Grati-Tuesday 23 September

Written by AHQ

23 September 2014

G’day all. 
Time for some more thank you messages and some great pics. 

Firstly a quilt made by Anna being put to good use.  

 This quilt top was donated. Please let me know if you made it so that I can give you credit.  The recipient wrote a lovely message on Facebook (shared here so my non-facebook readers can enjoy it) 

I got my quilt today. Wow, you made me feel so special, thank you – I love it.”

Well, that makes us feel pretty special too doesn’t it! 

There is a letter on its way to you soon for this awesome sequinless quilt (in joke!) Debbie, but in the mean time, don’t you love the smile!

And one more from Facebook for good measure.  Well done to 23 year old Roxy who designed and made her first quilt (with a little finishing help from Mum as she moved interstate) to send off to an Aussie Hero!  Way to go Roxy!

“Thank you very much exactly what my bland room needed. It puts a smile on face Every time I open the door.

Your time & effort is appreciated.”


Hi Rachel
I was lucky enough to receive one of your laundry bags the other day.
I would like the thank you very much for your time and effort which you put into making my bag, it definitely made my day. I have only been in the Middle East for a little over a month but your gift lifted my mood hugely.
I am 21 years old and I am based in XXXX near Brisbane. This is my first deployment and we expect to be home a week before my birthday in late Feb next year. When I get home I plan to take some time off and travel down the coast with my swag and just stopping wherever and hopefully making it to XXXXX for my birthday.

Once again thankyou for the laundry bag, it is greatly appreciated

Good Morning Rachel,

I apologise for not replying sooner!
Ive been flat out as I’ve only just arrived and am getting used to the heat (50˚ C!!!) and slowly falling into a routine, which is rather difficult as I am Transport and we tend to work irregular hours.
It was truly wonderful to receive a laundry bag from you. This is the first time I have deployed and your gift reminded me that even though we work in the heat and sand and are sometimes so busy we forget what day it is, that we are not forgotten by the people we leave behind, even if we do not know them. I also love the polar bears and ice-cap fabrics, it’s a great contrast to my current surroundings.
I shall try and write again soon. Thank you again for brightening my day.

 Hello Cassandra
Id like to let you know I received your laundy bag today and it certainly did put a smile on my face. I also appreciate the other items that you put inside it for me. Id like to thank you for it all and for your support.

G’day Gale and Jenny,

Just wanted to send you a quick thank you for the quilt and laundry bag (and tim tams!).
It definitely surprised me! It’s very much appreciated and it’s great to be reminded that people back home, even though we’ve never met, are thinking of us!
If you ever find yourself in Canberra after I get back, please send me an email – I’d love to buy you a coffee!

Thank you so much,

Hi Jan-Maree, 

I received the quilt today. It is beautiful and it’s going welcomed addition to my room. Will put a photo up on FB soon 🙂  
Looking forward to receiving the laundry bag!
Warm regards,

Dear Sue,

Thank you so much for my quilt, laundry bag and the treats. They are excellent. You have done a great job and I really appreciate it. I really like the dogs on the quilt. I am hoping to get a dog next year although still haven’t decided on which breed of dog yet. 

Well better get back to work.

Take care 


“Hi JM,

I just got a call from hubby and he really appreciates his Laundry bag (made by Pennie) and he wanted to thanks all the ladies for their time and dedication for making him a bag,it was a really nice surprise for him today,he hasn’t been having good days lately so that parcel made his day and says thank you.

Just thought I would let you know and I really appreciate the time and effort you guys put in for the men and women over there. It’s a very caring feeling knowing that others are thinking of him and looking after him Thank you and the Aussie hero quilters again it means a lot to my husband and I

Good Evening Gail

I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you for the laundry bag that I have received. The bag I received had iconic places of Gundagai, where I have passed through numerous times on my travels south. The laundry bag will always remind me of the kindness shown by you and all the people involved in making Aussie Hero Quilts / Laundry Bags, where you are all providing a little touch of home to service personnel deployed overseas on operations.

Thank you / Kind Regards

We had the opportunity, thanks to Cassandra P, to present a quilt to a special Aussie Hero recently and he has graciously consented to the photos being shared on the blog. 

Fred Smith is a diplomat and a musician and I am really pleased that we were able to present him with an Aussie Hero Quilt. Thanks for suggesting it and following up on it Cassandra.  Many of you will be familiar with the name but for those who are not then you can check out the Australian Story featuring Fred here.  If you look extra closely at the 3minute mark you will see one of our Block of the Month Quilts hanging on the wall in one of the rooms!  YAY!

Anyway, recently Cassandra visited Fred and presented him with an Aussie Hero Quilt.  


Fred was extra lucky as Cassandra, an exceptionally talented quilter, gave him the choice of some quilts she had already made and he chose this one.  As he was able to take delivery of the quilt in person size was not an issue.

Till next time……………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching.
Jan-Maree  xx

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  1. Grant

    Fred Smith singing "Going Home" at Tarin Kowt

    Fran Kelly did a piece on him in 2013. Video about him here

    "Australia's singing diplomat Fred Smith is coming home along with the rest of Australia's troops in Afghanistan.

    The pull-out has inspired a new song, called 'Going Home.'

    The song is officially released today, with all royalties going to the Mates4Mates charity, to help returning veterans deal with mental health issues."

    I have bought my copy on iTunes

  2. kiwikid

    Wonderful to read!


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