Grati -Tuesday 21st June 2022

Written by AHQ

21 June 2022


Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had an awesome week!
 Although we probably can’t beat Jan-Maree’s last Thursday when 101 year old Vietnam Vet, PTE Bert Sutton received one of our beautiful quilts.  There is a link to the ABC News story below. Guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye and make your heart swell!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the gratitude letters below. 
Dear Cath H,

I am writing to thank you so, so much for the absolutely stunning quilt and laundry bag that I received today. When I opened your parcel, I was lost for words at your design and how perfect it was. Blue and purple are my two favourite colours (you must have just known!) and the golden retriever fabric is beautiful. Then, I opened your letter and felt quite emotional after reading it, especially hearing about your goldies, an insight into your life and the thought and effort you put into the design of my now two most prized possessions. Reading your letter felt like receiving a letter from an old friend and I really appreciated getting to know you. I am absolutely thrilled and think it was actually more exciting than opening a birthday or a Christmas present.
I hope you know how much your work with Aussie Hero Quilts is appreciated by personnel in the ADF. There is so much anticipation and excitement before we receive our delivery, and everyone is absolutely blown away when we open our package. It is people like you who make the sacrifice and service worth it, and I cannot thank you enough for what you do. We know that there is a considerable amount of thought, effort and attention to detail which goes into your creations, and I can assure you that the quilts are proudly on display on the beds (in Navy we call them racks) of all the
lucky recipients. I was so pleased when I was able to request a quilt and a bag, as I have been so envious of my friends and colleagues who had received one after deploying. I spent all day today showing everyone who walked into my cabin my new quilt and bag, and will continue to do so! The girl I share the cabin with received her quilt a few weeks ago, and it is absolutely stunning as well. With both our quilts out, I think we have by far the nicest cabin on the ship!
I asked for golden retrievers as my theme because they remind me of home and my family, as well as something that makes me really happy. My other choice was my football team, but they often make me more sad than happy! You are so right that this quilt feels like a warm hug from home, and it makes me so happy every time I look at it. I took so many photos so that I can still look at it, even when I am not in my cabin!
Thank you for saying yes to creating my quilt and laundry bag, I can’t believe it worked out so perfect, with the arrival of the delayed fabric and my request. As I said earlier, you have chosen my two favourite colours, and I am in awe of your creativity to bring everything together to create something so beautiful. Thank you as well to Keryn M, I really loved the detail of the paw prints, the whole thing is just so cleverly thought out. Clean paw prints are much nicer than muddy paw prints! Our goldie certainly takes the opportunity to lie in every muddy puddle he can find, after he stands up, he looks like a top deck chocolate!! I was not expecting the personalised label, what an amazing extra touch, it will most certainly be a family heirloom.

Thank you again Cath for what you have created for me. I do not think it could be any more perfect that we both share a love of goldies and I was fortunate enough for you to make my quilt and laundry bag. Your gift is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life, and I feel so privileged to have received something that has been made with so much love and care. I know that the quilt will cheer me up when I have a bad day, remind me of home and make me feel special. I have also tucked your letter in my cabin drawer and will read it to make me smile. I will think of you on Anzac Day when I reflect on why I do what I do.



Good Morning Lyn R,
Thank you for my quilt and laundry bag. They are incredible and brought the biggest smile to my face. They are a perfect memento of my time deployed.
 I hope to one day get to visit Tasmania and experience the beauty the state has to offer. I hope the winter doesn’t hang around too long so you can get back up to your highland home. 
It is so incredible the work you do and I know myself and many other deployed members of the ADF appreciate these gifts as mementos. Thank you so much for all the time you dedicate to this wonderful organisation and making sure that other deployed members get the same experience I did when I received my gift. 
Kindest Regards

Good afternoon Pennie T 


The quilt is amaaaaaaaaaaaazing! I am now the envy of all “Healthies” on board as we have embarked a medical team on board for RIMPAC (worlds largest international maritime exercise held in Hawaii) and it has become a good conversation piece every time they visit my cabin. I LOVE the colour pattern with the combination of Nursing and COVID depictions.  Also how you’ve done the tropical floral background on the other side is truly spectacular. I will forever treasure what you’ve made for me. 


Again THANK YOU for dedicating your time and effort in making this special quilt and laundry bag for me and I will definitely treasure it for years to come.


(also from the same recipient)

Good Afternoon Ruth S
The laundry bag that you’ve made is far from okay – IT IS AMAAAZING! Thank you for dedicating your time and effort in making it for me. I love how you’ve incorporated my initials as well as included a “Health” theme to it. I will forever treasure what you’ve made. 

Kindest Regards, 


Hi Anne S, 
I received my lovely quilt. You have done a wonderful job and it is very appreciated. I think the quality of my quilt will have it last through a few generations of my own so again thank you and keep up the good work, I imagine all the other veterans who receive one will be very pleased with the workmanship. 
Kindest regards



Hi Jan-Maree (and Wendy V),
I would like to thank you, your organisation and Wendy V, the lovely lady who made the quilt for such a wonderful gift. It is hard to believe one person would put so much work into the sewing of a quilt to give away. I am honoured to receive it and will treasure it forever.

After my war service in New Guinea I worked on my fathers farm north of Numurkah. He was a WW1 veteran with health problems. Next I worked building houses for the men constructing irrigation channels for the Soldier Settlement scheme in this area before starting my own dairy farm.
I was drummer in the brass band from 1949-2014 drumming for many local Anzac and POW marches. Now at 101
I am happy to participate but on my mobility scooter.
Thank you for such a wonderful gift.


Here is the link to the news story that featured WW11 Veteran Bertram Sutton receiving an Aussie hero Quilt for his service.


Well, thats it for another week.
Thank you to all who have contributed your letters of gratitude and we can’t wait to get some more to help spread the joy!!
Till next week….

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