Grati -Tuesday 1st February

Written by AHQ

1 February 2022

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

Wow, February already!!

Time to soak up a bit of feel good gratitude. The following letters are all so unique and individual but the one thing they all have in common is immense gratitude.

I hope you enjoy the following letters as much as I did. It is always great to hear what the quilts and laundry bags mean to the recipient!!!


Hi Beverley,

Thanks so much for the quilt and laundry bag. I absolutely love them both. You’ve done an incredible job.

Many thanks to Philomena and Clarissa as well for their help with the crest and quilting. It’s such a unique skill and I’m so incredibly thankful.

This has brightened up my room and will do on my future boat deployments.

I grew up in NSW. My wife and I endeavour to do some traveling across Australia caravanning. We have just had our first child, a daughter, who turns one this month. Unfortunately I will miss her first birthday, but at least I can FaceTime and call her where I couldn’t normally at sea.

My wife does an incredible job while I am away with her, and is a teacher. I can imagine there is a lot of passion for teacher’s especially with learning difficulties. I know the time commitment of out of hours can be underappreciated.

Kind Regards


Hey Clarissa,

We received the laundry bag today! It is absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so very much.

Kind Regards


Hey Clarissa,

I want to thank Aussie Hero Quilts and in particualar Chris who made and presented my quilt, very very much. I am so happy that I have a Navy quilt which represents nearly 30 years service in the Australian Defence Forces.

Chris personally delivering my quilt today was a joy and as Chris lives near by and we have agreed to keep in touch.

I very much admire Aussie Hero Quilts work and what all the quilters do. I can assure you of the excitement I had today in receiving my quilt and I know others who are also proud of their Aussie Hero Quilts.

A big THANK YOU to all involved in my wonderful quilt.




Dear Aussie Heroes Sewing Team,

Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done through this COVID crisis in supporting the ADF response.

God Bless you and I pray you have a fantastic 2022.


Dear Aussie Hero Ladies (and Gentlemen),

I trust you are well and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas and hopefully a COVID-free 2022.

This has been an amazing two years. I never cease to be amazed at the generosity and good nature and skill of our Aussie Heroes men and women. I’ve been given laundry bags and a quilt of my own.

Just last week Jan-Maree gave me a quilt to present to our retiring staff sergeant after 43 years of service. There are now fewer than a dozen staff sergeants left in the Australian Army. The recipient was overwhelmed by the quilt which he describes as ‘perfect’. Like so many people have said to me about quilts and laundry bags, he can’t believe you would do that for him.

By rough figures, you’ve allowed me to hand out about 5,000 laundry bags since COVID began (as well as half a dozen or so quilts). Every bag has been individual and obviously made with love and great skill. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been such an enormous privilege to distribute these bags.

Whenever we have more soldiers, sailors and air men and women coming through the induction process, I tell them about Aussie Heroes and how much you understand what they do and how much you value the difference they’re making in keeping our state safe from the virus. Most are amazed to think anyone appreciates the work they do – like most Australians, we assume we do a job and that’s it, but to hear they’re loved and appreciated really melts even the strongest hearts. I really wish I could video the responses I’ve seen – they love their bags. Some of them have said they won’t use it – they’ll fame it, others pick a bag to remind them of their wife, girlfriend or mum. I hope you know what a profound ministry you’ve had on the lives of so many. I’ve seen really hard and tough warrant officers well up with tears. I know most won’t write or communicate back but there is enormous appreciation for what you have done and continue to do.

So I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

The Defence response to COVID has finished (at least for now) and we’ve prepared for the bush fire or flood or other disaster season ahead. But I pray the omicron variant of the virus doesn’t cause too many problems going forward. It’s so good to have normal access back to Victoria, Queenslanders are so happy to be going home, and Western Australians can’t wait to return home, hopefully before February and the whole country will be back to normal soon.

It’s been an amazing time and I always feel like Santa when I hand out the laundry bags. Whenever we have another group coming through, I’ve put the bags on tables up the front of the auditorium in several piles and they come down like it’s Boxing Day sales at Myer – and everyone finds a perfect bag for them.

Aussie Heroes is such a valuable ministry and service to our ADF members. Please keep sewing – your work is greatly appreciated.

I thank you again and apologise that some of you won’t receive this note. It’ll probably get to you after Christmas. However, please have a wonderful time with family and friends, and I pray 2022 will be a wonderful time for all of us.

I pray God blesses you richly for your open handed, open hearted generosity.

Yours Faithfully.


Good Evening Hilary,

The first time I heard about Aussie Quilts was when I was sitting at the Canberra Airport just after completing my Officer Training at the Royal Military College. I was in uniform waiting for a number of new recruits to arrive and a lady came over and spoke to me about the initiative.

My grandmother loved sewing and ‘arts and crafts’ and I had always enjoyed helping and learning from her. I was just never any good at it – but I tried, so I imagine all you ladies are similar, kind and generous, and just love to help people.

I have spent a lot of time away from my family over the past few years (my family live abroad in New Zealand) due to COVID – as have many – and have missed Christmas and New Years with them on a number of occasions. Being deployed and away from family again this year was a bit sad but it’s lovely to know people are always thinking about the men and women who serve in the Australian Defence Force, especially at this time of year.

We are proud to wear the uniform and selflessly do our job, but it’s kind people like you who have us pause and remember those we do it for; family, friends, country.

I love animals, I have a beautiful dog, who knows she can get away with anything and is the most spoilt dog, she is Doberman x Dingo, and although I don’t have any children yet, I speak about her to others like she is my human child. I think some people actually think she is.

I really love the generosity of Aussie Hero Quilts, and the women who support like yourself, it’s an excellent initiative, and I love my laundry bag!

I hope you had a really great Christmas and New Year. I wish you well and your family in 2022!

Thank you


Dear Ruth,

Thank you so much for my Crows Laundry Bag. It’s fantastic and you should be very proud of your work.

Your attention to detail is amazing, and the colours really make it pop.

Thank you so much again for the laundry bag. I’ll cherish it for a long time.

Much appreciated.


Hello and Good Morning,

I just wanted to thank everyone who contributes to AHQ.

I received my first quilt and laundry bag in 2016 whilst I was serving overseas and I am still using them to this day.

A big thank you to Bev and Geoff for their quality work on the quilt.

Once again, thank you to all who contribute to AHQ. It means so much to the men and women who serve our fantastic country.

Kind Regards


Dear Sue and Lisa,

Thank you so much for my stunning quilt and laundry bag.

They are such a perfect match for me with the flowers and the colours that I love, and the donuts on the backing made myself and family laugh with delight. I find something new to love about the quilt every time I look at the design and the fabrics.

I am very touched by the incredible amount of thought and the exquisite work that has gone into them. They have rapidly become cherished items in my home.

Sue – your kind thoughts were fabulous.


Hello Toni,

I am writing to say thank you so much for receiving my laundry bag.

It gives me so much faith in humanity to see people take time out of their day to sew for people they don’t know.

Sunflowers and wine sum up very well and gave me a good laugh. Wine reminds me of mum, as she enjoys a good glass of bubbly. The roses remind me of my grandma and sunflowers just fill me with happiness – never did I think doing my washing would turn into a reminder each time of the strong women in my life, who have encouraged me to give anything a go and now here I am in the Middle East serving my country to help look after amazing caring people like yourself.

Thank you for telling me your story and thank you for everything you do for us over here. You help boost our morale and that is exactly what we need.


Hope you enjoyed the read, and have a wonderful and happy rest of the week.

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