Grati-Tuesday 16th May 2023

Written by AHQ

16 May 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope you have all had a great start to the week. it is about to get better!!! 
Here is this weeks Gratitude Blog, and it has some great letters as well as some lovely photos this week!!!
Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!
Good afternoon Ruth S,
I have just received my laundry bag in the mail and I just wanted to say how beautiful it is and thank you!
I’m in love with the ocean themes and colours you included and it has absolutely brightened my day. 
Thank you for all the work you do creating these, we appreciate it so much.

Good morning Jan-Maree B,


I wanted to write and thank you for my beautiful quilt.


I wanted you to know it made my day and thank you. The time and skill are very much apparent and I am proud to own it.


I note that many of my team have received quilts from you and I cannot tell you how much it clearly brings them joy to be thought of. For many it is a distant time away from family and we pride ourselves in quietly just doing our jobs. For many of the team a note like yours, with the skilled work behind it means so very much – thank you.


My very fondest thanks


Hi Beverly R,


I just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you for my Aussie Hero Quilt. As you can see from the photo my quilt takes pride on my recliner couch where I spend a good couple of hours each night. I even have to stop the kids from grabbing it and using it because you know they will get it dirty. 

I am very proud of my career but I am not one that has anything from my career on display. Your quilt is the perfect mix of my Military Service and a normal quilt which makes it perfect. 


As a family we too have done a lot of exciting things and are currently planning a trip to Disney World in September along with other USA and Canada locations. There is so much to see and learn both in Australia and overseas. One day I might get a caravan, just need to convince my husband that it’s not like sleeping in a hutchie. 


Anyway, thank you again for my beautiful quilt and for the work you do for others.

(The following letter, notes about the presentation and photos are in regards to a presentation of quilts at Mercy Village ANZAC Service) 
Dear Jan-Maree and Aussie Hero quilters,

On behalf of the family & myself, I’d  just like to extend my gratitude for the wonderful quilt you presented to my father at the Mercy
Place Montrose ANZAC service. Thank you for the time and effort that would have gone into the crafting of his quilt that was individualised for his
service in WW2.

Kind regards,

“As a veteran myself, I was both humbled and apprehensive when I asked me to present two quilts on Anzac Day to residents of Mercy Place. 


I was more than happy to present the quilts, I was then (somehow) assigned the MC, introduction and speech…be careful what you agree to when it comes to JM!


The service itself was the first time I’d ever been a solo ADF representative and I was nervous arriving at Mercy Place. My wife accompanied me and it was the first time in recent years that she’d seen me so anxious in uniform. But seeing the residents patiently waiting for the service to start gave me a sense of pride and understanding of what I was there for. Being able to honour those that have worn a uniform and speak on their behalf was something I will never forget.


After the service my wife pointed out a lady who was holding a framed photo of her husband who, it turned out, served with the 39th Inf Bn on the Kokoda Track in WWII. He was there during the thick of the fighting and seeing her with his photo and medals on her lap was a touching moment that I will never forget.”


Dear Anne H,

I just received your my laundry bag today – it was a lovely surprise as I’m working from home today so was able to receive it at the front door.

I love the “midwife” fabric design as well as RAAF crest and caduceus. My initials obviously make it that bit more personal for me.

I’ve only been to Tassie a couple of times – back as a kid when TAA was an airline (maybe you remember them too). As someone who does a little bit of sewing, mostly repairs and hems, and really to into crochet during covid, I appreciate the effort that goes into making these gifts. I think you are all amazing to volunteer your efforts to do this.

I have 3 grown kids, 2 still at home and one at uni. No grandkids yet, but I assume they’ll happen one day. I’m coming to the end of my military service – in the next few years. I hope I can get some cool jobs to see my time out.

Thanks again for you effort and letting you know I very much appreciate the gift of you time and creativity. I will use the laundry bag wherever I travel. 


Hi Ruth S,

On behalf of my husband and daughter I just wanted to say thank you for the laundry bag you made.  



Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!



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