Grati-Tuesday – 16th Jan 2024

Written by AHQ

16 January 2024

Happy Tuesday Friends!

More powerful letters of gratitude for you to read this week!!

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Shirley D,


Thank you very much for your work in making my laundry bag. For years I have joined ships with the quilts and laundry bags and have been very jealous! I’m now proudly in the club.


The crew were very grateful for the efforts of all the volunteers. The mess decks have come alive with colour and personality, with individual hobbies and passions on display. It’s also bought our crew closer together in sparking a lot of conversation!


I look forward to continuing to support Aussie Hero Quilts. The morale effect you and the team generate for deployed ADF units is simply amazing.


Thank you for your time. Merry Christmas and here’s to a prosperous 2024 for you, your family and friends.



Dear Bev and Geoff C,


Thank you very much for lovely quilt.

I  received it before Xmas as I have been off work.

The quilt is wonderful and I will treasure it. 

Once again

Thank you.

Kind regards

Dear Kirsten O,
I wanted to write to say a huge thank you for the beautifully crafted quilt you have made for me. 
I arrived back from a four month deployment and received your package on my first day back at work today. It honestly blew me away and I feel so incredibly touched by the amount of time and energy I know you must have put into this project. 
I am a huge fan of craft activities myself, having knitted numerous pairs or socks, and am currently in the process of crocheting my serving partner a quilt to take to sea on his next deployment, so I can really appreciate the effort that goes into projects like yours. I am due to post to WA at the end of the year and have been talking about taking up quilting for a while now and I think your beautiful quilt has finally convinced me to take it up! It might take a couple of practice ones before I’m ready to start making Aussie Hero Quilts myself though!  
Thank you so much for your time and energy, I feel humbled to have received this and incredibly grateful. I think you absolutely nailed my prompt and it is definitely going to brighten up every future cabin of mine! 
I grew up in Far North Queensland before moving overseas for my father’s work when I was 10, I lived there until I finished high school at 18 before moving back to Australia to study at university. I can really relate to you enjoying four distinct seasons… but have to say I miss the cold mornings. 
I joined the RAN in 2018 when I was still in university but have been in full time since 2021. I’m the first member of my family to join the military so it’s been a very interesting adjustment for everyone with me being away on deployments. 
Thank you again for my beautiful quilt. I wish you every success and happiness in your future endeavours. Thank you for the love and care you put into your work. 

Kind regards,


Dear Bridget R,




I received your quilt that you made for me and am thankful for the time and effort that you put into making this wonderful gift I will appreciate it and use it often. I’m also grateful for the letter you left me and learnt a lot about you and your wonderful family,


I am currently 22 years of age and been serving for 3 years. I  am currently living in NSW.


Hope you and your family are doing well and hope this email finds you well thanks again.



Kind regards,


Dear Liz J,

Thank you for your kind and gracious letter. It means a lot to me/veterans when we get these kinds of gifts. Especially knowing the effort and thought you have put into my laundry bag.

I appreciate you telling me a bit about your life and family. A little bit about me. I served in the Air Force for 17 years and was posted between Townsville, Williamtown and Canberra. I was fortunate enough to travel Australia and the world on exercises with many countries. I was deployed on Operations 3 times. I was recently discharged and have moved back to my home town on the coast in NSW. 

I have transitioned well back into society considering and enjoy my time volunteering at my nippers surf club and catch up with other veterans each week for our ocean swim.

I took my Mum and girlfriend to Invictus games which they enjoyed. The 10 months prior was long and hard however it all paid off at the Games. I was extremely happy with my efforts; it was very tiring with long days!! I was fortunate enough to meet and shake hands with Prince Harry. He was very down to earth and approachable. 

Overall, Invictus provides me with hope, inspiration and a desire to set new goals in my life’s new chapter.

Once again Liz, please know how much I really do appreciate your time and effort that you have put into my laundry bag; I will always treasure it.

Kind Regards,

Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in. 

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!

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