Grati Tuesday

Written by AHQ

15 April 2014

Hi all,
Tonight’s post is another of our Grati-Tuesday Posts which is when I usually share the thank you messages than come through regularly from our happy recipients.  

Tonight though, I want to say thank you to the lovely ladies who come along to the sewing days.  We have just had two days, one on Sunday and one on Monday. I rarely have two on consecutive days but with Easter and ANZAC Day it had to be. Rachel and Kiwi Karen came on Sunday and I would love to show you the gorgeous pink quilt top that they sewed but it is too distinctive and if the fellow who requested it sees it he will know it is his.  It is fabulous though!

Yesterday the ladies came again, this time Robin, Evelyn, Dasha and Rita.
I usually put Rita to work making a quilt top from start to finish.  I can tell her what it has to include and then let her loose in my stash.  Yesterday her task was to sew a quilt in the colours of the Melbourne Storm.  
Here is the end result.

Dasha, Robin and Evelyn sat and sewed bindings and labels. I have no idea how many exactly but heaps!!! If you are on facebook you will have seen these of not these photos are new to you but this is what the ladies worked on all day!

Evelyn and Robin also delivered ten quilts they had quilted and bound for me.  This is what I worked on – packing quilts while they sewed!

Thanks ladies – you are the best!!!
and that goes for all the ladies who come and help on a regular basis.

Good afternoon Joan and Robin,

I just got my Laundry Bag in the mail, it is great. It may not be German Shepherds, but the puppies are lovely.
I love all types of dogs. I will use it with pride. Thank you for taking the time to make it.  When I return to Australia, I will take it home.

Thank you once again for taking the time to make it.

Love the puppies. 


Hi Joan & Robin,

Today I received the gorgeous laundry bag that you have so kindly made for me whilst I’m deployed on operations.  It has brightened my day and will certainly make my remaining 5 months here feel much more homely, so I thank-you so much for taking the time to make it!

Kind Regards & Best Wishes! 

This following letter is from on of my distributors – 

Hi Jan-Maree

I received the quilt about a week and a half ago, WOW 🙂 
Its very special! I have deployed overseas a number of times and have never received something like this. I appreciate the thought and effort that has gone into making this, its something that I will always keep. 

I will write a letter to Lenore to express my gratitude and thank her personally within the next week or so. I am a cabinetmaker by trade and my wife sews a fair bit so I do understand how much time, effort and thought has gone into making this.

I have been receiving a few more boxes of laundry bags and most of my soldiers have received one. I have asked that they make the effort to write to the ladies when they get the chance so I am guessing they would start seeing some emails and letters coming soon. 

Again thank the ladies for me for their wonderful efforts as I do know that they appreciate them.

Many thanks 

Although he says that most of HIS soldiers have received laundry bags there are still plenty in other units who have not and he is now passing them on.


Good Afternoon Sue N,

I am a member of the Australian Defence Force that is currently deployed overseas.
I would just like to say Thank you for the wonderful work you do with providing such beautiful bags. It has brightened up my day.
I am extremely grateful and proud to do what I do and just knowing that there are people out there who appreciate it makes it a little easier being away.

Thank you again and I hope you have a lovely evening

Kind Regards


Thank you for making and spending so much of your time on the amazing quilt,  it was better than anything I had imagined. It is very nice knowing that there are caring people back home in Australia that put so much of their time and effort into making soldiers over here something special that you can look at each night to take our minds off everything going on and put a smile straight back on your face. I have your quilt hanging up on my wall to give my small room a lot of colour and make it feel like home, and those little treats you put in the package were shared around the office here and like pigs in mud everyone was excited and grateful.

I’m currently half way through my deployment and will be returning to Australia next week to see my partner and two children. I am definitely looking forward to having two solid weeks of family time, taking the kids out to the park and beach, have a BBQ with real Australian meat. The food is something all of my unit here has in common as we gather daily at our mess facility and compare food to Australia. We recently had a Multicultural BBQ with about 10 other nations where we served mini pavs, lamingtons, meat pies/sausage rolls and lamb chops. Needless to say Australia came out on top with a line almost 100 long awaiting some Aussie lamb chops.

Anyway enough of my rambling. Again thank you for putting in so much time and care into the amazing quilt and I will definitely keep this as a great memory of Afghanistan. 



Thank you for informing me that the Quilt is on the way. I will let you know when it gets here. 
I would like to say thank you in advance for your efforts and all those involved in producing the quilts and laundry bags. They put a smile on a sailors face and a memory in their minds that will last for a very long time.


Hi Janine,

I recently received my laundry bag which you made. It is fantastic and I have it in use, proudly hanging on my locker as I write this. I originally regretted writing scuba diving as my hobby on my Hero Quilt form, as I realised this is a very difficult theme for a laundry bag. I was amazed when I saw what you made, the design is great and I especially like my Initials on the bag. I can definitely recognise my washing now and it brightens up the mess.
When I received your laundry bay, I told my Mother about the Hero Quilts organisation as she is a keen patchworker. Although she is quite busy with her work, she said she might try to meet with some of the contributors and potentially contribute herself. 

Thank you once again for my laundry bag. The support given to us by the Aussie Hero Quilts organisation has been exceptional. Everybody is very proud of their quilts and laundry bags!

Kind Regards, 


Hi Jan-Maree,

The Quilt, I Got It!!!!  Bloody Fantastic!!!

Thank you so much, I could not have hoped for any better design especially with the Boxing Kangaroo as the centre piece – Very Australian.

I have also received a box of laundry bags from Dasha, could you please let her know they have arrived safe and sound.

Take care, and again thank you very much!  Photo to follow…….

Good Morning Linda, 

 I hope that this letter of thanks finds you in good health and enjoying the beautiful sunshine of Western Australia. 

I just received a Laundry Bag in the mail yesterday and I am most grateful for your kindness. The Postcard also reminded me that I must get back over to Perth for another visit. I have only been there once, I took my wife from Townsville to Perth to watch the Phantom of the Opera for her Birthday in 2009 (long way to go, but she really wanted to see it). We spent the one day that we had there in the open top bus touring the city and I must say it is a beautiful city. 

Once again thank you very much for your gift, I really appreciate it and it is comforting to know that we are supported by kind hearted people like yourself and all of the other people that contribute to Aussie Hero Quilts from home. 

 Kind Regards

Dear Kim and Jan-Maree,
My Aussie Hero Quilt arrived in the post today, and I couldn’t be more pleased or prouder than to own this magnificent piece of art and handicraft. Everyone I have shown it to, and I don’t miss an opportunity to show it off, has expressed their admiration for the skill displayed in its design and crafting. It now provides a tangible link to Australia and our military heritage that I will carry with me for the future.
Kim, I thank you for skill and devotion; and Jan-Maree, I thank you for your vision and commitment. My sincere appreciation and gratitude for your great support of deployed Australian Servicemen and women.

Finally this letter comes from a senior commander currently deployed on Operation Slipper.

Dear Jan-Maree,

I would like to sincerely thank you and Belinda for your kind gifts sent earlier this year.  The laundry bag, quilt and ANZAC biscuits were greatly appreciated, with the quilt being displayed proudly in my office, used every day and routinely admired by visitors.

I know you all are already well aware of the tremendous impact that yours and your supporters gifts of quilts and laundry bags have in raising the morale for those separated from loved ones and living in demanding circumstances.  They continually bring fresh excitement to deployed personnel and assist in maintaining their connection with local Australian communities.

You will also know that Afghanistan still remains a dangerous environment but you should rest assured that your Defence Force is performing well in assisting in providing stability and in developing the capacity for Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities into the future.  The support provided by you and your community plays a tremendous and important role in keeping morale high and our forces operating at their best.

From a personal perspective you got my quilt spot on.  Growing up farming in Western NSW I have seen my share of Australian bush and I retain a strong sentimental attachment to it still.  The fancy kangaroo stitching is just brilliant and I ask that you pass on my sincerest thanks to Belinda.  Between Australian bush and the Rising Sun you seem to have captured my life very well indeed.

Dear Louise
I am writing this letter to personally thank you for the quilt that I have received.  I really do appreciate the time and effort you put into my quilt.  It definitely raises my morale and currently being winter keeps me warm at night.  
Once again, thank you very much and I hope 2014 is a good year for yourself.
I have lots of other thank you messages to share with you but I have to type them up and at the moment I am a little short on time.  I will try and do a few more next week till I get them all done.

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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