Grati-Tuesday 10 October

Written by AHQ

10 October 2017

Lots of lovely thank you message tonight.  Enjoy

From one of our Invictus LB recipients.

I’d like to take this time to personally thank you for your support through Aussie Hero Quilts and the personal time your have taken to sew and put together our bags, I for one will be framing mine, it’s too nice to use.
I truly believe it takes wonderful people like yourself to reinstall our faith in humanity after our experiences, I have met so many wonderful people during my continued recovery, I know I will never be cured but through positive actions supported by positive people it’s a lot brighter.
I also wish you well in the future and your kids continue to make you proud as I am sure they are doing now with reading your attached letter.
Thank you again Maree, and please pass on my thanks to all your wonderful sewers at Aussie Hero Quilts.

Dear Donna,

I received the beautiful quilt you made for me!  I love it and will treasure it. I am touched by your card, I wish you and your family all the best!

Your friend,

Hi Donna and Jay,
Thank you both so much for your support.  I love the quilt, it is awesome! Opening the mail bought a huge smile to my face.  The quilt is now a treasured possession, that will make me proud every time I look at it.
I have attached a photo of the quilt in situation.  We are members of the Queensland Vultures, the state team for full contact fighting (medieval combat) and are training to make the Australian team to compete in the world championship being held in Scotland next year.   We camp at all these events and a nice medieval themed quilt will be just right!
I was saying to a friend (literally yesterday) how much I could go an Iced Vovo, and boom a packet shows up!  The TimTams and other treats will get shared around with my team but I am keeping the vovos for myself 🙂  I am also a caffiene junky, so all those coffee bags are greatly appreciated.
I am a RAAF comms tech stationed in XXXX.  I am grateful that I am not directly in harms way.  It has been a long trip away from home, but I am very proud of the work that I am doing.  The care packages mean a lot to me, it lets me know that people at home think we are doing the right thing and support us.  It absolutely made my day.  
Thank you both so much,


Dear Janis, 

I received the beautiful quilt you sent me! It’s amazing! I love the purple and the amazing patch work! 
I am very happy you chose to do my quilt because you have done a great job. 
Thank you so much for your letter! It’s great to hear about Aussie Quilt Heroes and what a great job the team does on this project. 
It’s so amazing and the hard work you put into the quilts, it puts smiles on everyone’s face. I know I couldn’t stop smiling and showing everyone my quilt when I received it! 
As you could see I chose a Rugby theme; one side of my family is from New Zealand and the other side from Australia and we are a big Rugby union family. 
The All Blacks was for my dad, who I recently lost early this year and the Wallabies was for me. I will hold this quilt very dearly and will always treasure it. 
You sound like you have such a wonderful family. I wish you and your family all the best! 
I have attached a photo of myself with the quilt on the back of the Ship! 

Take care, 

and a photo of her with her laundry bag made by Clarissa as well. 


Good afternoon Jan, 

I am the Assistant Weapons Electrical Engineering Officer on board HMAS Darwin. I must thank you for the kind donation of the laundry bag and the letter enclosed. Having served in three Navies in my time (RN, USN and now RAN) I can say I have never experienced this support from people at home. I am truly inspired by your story, and selfless work to remind all of us that there are people at home thinking of every service members sacrifice. Having experienced life in different services I have witnessed the highs and lows that every member experiences while separated from family and to receive such a gift is a great reminder of why we do this job. I wish you good luck with your new home and hope that the bond between the Aussie Hero Quilts and the ADF continues well beyond the time when we no longer need to send our men and women into harms way


Dear Irene,

I have received your quilt and it looks fantastic.  Thank you very much for this and all of us in the Australian Defence Force really appreciate the support we get from families and the community such as yours.

I have been in the Air Force for over 36 years, joining up in 1981 as a recruit.
I have worked on a number of different aircraft types in my early years.  I progressed up the ranks to Warrant Officer and then commissioned as an Engineer.
It has been a long career and I have enjoyed all the friends I have made and experiences I have got from the Air Force.

I am married and have two adult children and two grandsons with another on the way.
My son is now in the Air Force and deployed to the Middle East just last week.

You have shown good workmanship in capturing our office emblem on the quilt, and this will be an excellent memento of my deployment.
Again, thank you very much for the quilt.

Kind regards,
Good Evening from near the equator! 

I would like to thank you very much for making and supplying me with one of your individually fantastic laundry bags during my posting to HMAS DARWIN this year. Particularly, Sue from Canberra, I really thought idea for the signature collection on the bag was neat. I will ensure my mess mates get busy as soon as I get a laundry marker. I also have a strong military family background, back at least 4 generations. I guess it was an easy choice! I joined 22 years ago and have done at least 15 years sea time on FFG frigates. I ensure that all the lights are still on as the Chief P rate electrician onboard. DARWIN has had a busy year, but I am proud to have been a part of her history and into decommissioning at the end of this year. 

Once again, thank you so much for your generosity. 


Hi Clarissa, 

I received your Quilt in the mail last week and it is amazing, thankyou so much for the hard work you have put in. It is exactly how I was hoping it would turn out  and i really like how you got the navy and HMAS Newcastle crest on there as well. 

I’m glad to hear your son made it back home safe and sound from his deployment, its always great to know that somebody’s loved one has arrived home without harm and done a great job looking after Australia. We have about 10 weeks left of our deployment and have seen some really nice countries so far and still a few more to come. At the moment we are  having a small break before we head back out to sea again which i think was much needed by the crew. 

Send a thank you on to the entire team and all your family for being involved, it really does make people happy and feel appreciated to get these in the mail. 
I will also send a photo through that i took on my phone with the quilt once we get some decent wifi. 
Thankyou again


Hi Carol,

I have just received an amazing gift. This quilt is amazing. It is about to come into Winter over here, so it’s just in time. I cannot express my gratitude for this quilt, it is going to go up as a quilt/mural in my man-cave when I get home. These quilts make everybody over here feel loved, not just myself. I cannot wait to share this with my daughter in the hopes that she learns the value of giving.  Good luck to the cowboys in the Grand Final this week, I’m rooting for you over the Storm.
Forever grateful,

PS the confectionery was definitely needed. Nothing like Australian sugar.
Dear Bridget, today as I was working away in my office, when my CPL comes in holding a package and tells me that It is mine so my heart started raising a bit with excitement wondering what it was and who was it from. 

When I opened it, I went straight for the letter and it was really nice of you to let me into your life and I can see that you are proud of your children and what they’re achieving. 

It takes a special lady to join such a cause and it does not surprise me one bit that you are a Nurse, it takes a special person to take such profession and I hold, personally, admiration towards them. 

I absolutely love this bag its way more that I ever hopped for and the other side with the chilli was a huge surprise and I’m lost for words. I can never thank you enough and hope you realise that you made my day and will think of all of you every time I see the bag. 
Bridget and Jan-Maree, a huge thank you to you and the lovely ladies that produce the awesome bags and quilts. I’ve seen some of your handy work around camp and they are first class and so unique. 
I wish you all success on your upcoming dinner and hope its a unforgettable night. 


Hello Jo

Wow! It looks fantastic – thank you very much and well done!

It far exceeds my expectations.

My apologies for the delay in my response, I have been busy catching up on a number of things on return to Australia and am busier than ever – I need a holiday!

I’m glad your friend mentioned the hanging sleeve as it is a great idea.

Thank you again for your hard work and effort in producing the amazing quit.     

Warm Regards

Hello Melissa, 

I just received my laundry bag in the mail today. If you recall it is the laundry bag with tiger stripes and the hornet jet. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your amazing work! I love it and couldn’t have imagined it being any better! I appreciate the effort you have gone to, it has certainly turned my day around! Thank you for putting in the effort not only for myself but for all the others that you have made laundry bags & quilts for! I know that we all appreciate it very much! 

Thanks again for your efforts! I will send some photos through with the laundry bag soon.



I received a brilliant example of your fantastic craft skills today. I am absolutely stunned.  It is awesome. 

I thought it was a great choice in the colours. I’ve always thought that my coat of arms should be blue and gold, haha.

I am going to have to keep a very strict eye on the laundry bag, someone will knock that off. Another piece of great work.

Oh thanks for all the little knic knacks too. Timely. I am about to take 2 weeks leave and travel with my wife so the rose card will be perfect for her.

Thank you so very much.


Dear Keryn

Thank you very much for the quilt and the laundry bag, I really appreciate the time it must have taken to make them. They are perfect and I already have the quilt on my bed here. I really like the laundry bag too…I wasn’t sure what to expect since this is the first time I’ve been given a chance to get one on a deployment, but I’m thrilled that we did.

Thank you also for your letter and telling me a bit about your life, it may sound token, but it really is great hearing about back home when we are away.
Thank you again for the quilt and gifts (that puzzle ball will frustrate me for a while I’m sure).

I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year with your family.

Dear Clarissa,
Thank you so much for your generosity and support!  I am glad there are people out there like yourself that still see a need to give support to our nations troops regardless of your political orientation or views on the current operation that the troops are involved in.  Yourself and the organisation you are apart of are doing an amazing job by giving moral and a sense that nations still cares, National pride still lives on! 
The Army brought me to Sydney 17 years ago and I now call it home. I live with my wife and our two children, 5 and 18 months.  I enjoy running as there are great tracks, sand dunes and the beach to run on close by. The spare time I do have when I am at home is mostly spent with my young family going the various parks and the beaches as we live in such a beautiful area. I am not much of a rugby supporter coming from North Queensland but have played a few games at high school and with the military and will watch the big games.  I am more a Rugby League follower and as you can see from the picture of your quilt on the end of my bed I am a keen North Queensland Cowboys supporter.  My family is split though, as the Cowboys are only relatively new the other half of my family follows the Broncos as they were around before.   I have taken my young boy to a few Cronulla sharks games against the Cowboys and the route to his day care is past the stadium so I think if we stay in Cronulla my boy unfortunately will become a Cronulla sharks supporter.
I took my boy and girl for the first time to my work’s ANZAC day dawn service which was very special for him but it meant that I missed watching that parade for the first time in years.  
Lastly, thank you again for the quilt and the washing bag ( and the treats inside them, peanut brittle is my favourite and it survived the heat getting here ok too). God bless to your family and a safe return of your son.  I will keep an eye out for him. 
take care thanks 


Good morning Su,
Firstly, apologies for the late response. I have just returned from a few weeks of leave. However, on my return to the office not only did I have a mountain of emails but I had a mountain of Laundry Bags including one special package for myself!
Thank you so much for all of your efforts with the 1SQN Laundry Bags and Quilts. The massive effort put in from all of the wonderful AHQ ladies is much appreciated from our members. I will never forget the feeling I had in 2013 when I opened my parcel and saw the amazing piece of art for the first time. It fills our guys and girls with so pride and joy – a massive moral boost especially when serving away from loved ones. The extra touch of 1SQN colours and insignia is something they will all look back on in the future of their time spent at the “Fighting First”.
Most of the team have now received their laundry bags which you made and no doubt you should start to see some replies coming your way very soon.
As for mine… I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for taking the time to create another masterpiece just for me. As JM would have mentioned to you, unfortunately due to the current structure of the Air Task Group, admin support is excluded from the task element rotations meaning I am charged with the very important task of manning the fort back home. Although disappointed not to be back in the desert, I have plenty to keep me busy back on the home front. 
JM – was very naughty in telling you about my shade of envy, although completely true! I loved my time over there in 2013 and can’t wait to get another opportunity in the future.
All the best Su and thank you so much again for my wonderful surprise.

Kind regards,


Hello Clarissa,

2 days ago I received a surprise parcel, when I opened it, the parcel included your wonderful laundry bag, along with a note telling your story.

Being away from family for so long, we tend to get excited over any parcels received from home. But I was extremely pleased to have received the bag you spent time making. I Love it! It has already been put to use and brightens a small room which is home for 6 months.

The laundry bag is much be appreciated over here, and will be taken with me on any future travels, I would again like to thank you for time and care taken into making such a small but memorable keepsake.

I have heard of the Aussie Hero Quilts, in particular when Jan-Maree had the misfortune of losing her house, at the time I was working with the lady who started up the collection for donations to help Jan-Maree get back on her feet, although it doesn’t replace the memories lost by her and her family.

Much appreciated

Hey Rachel,

I received one of the laundry bags from Aussie Hero Quilts and it was from you! 🙂 I just wanted to say a big thank you for the laundry bag, I love it! My favourite colour is blue and it was covered in blue, thank you so so much 🙂 My mum does quilting and sewing etc so I cannot wait to get back home and show her.

I’ve been in the Royal Australian Navy for 2 years now and I am a Maritime Logistics Supply Chain sailor, so I look after all the stock of the ship (everything on board except food) which includes things like stationary, uniforms, all parts for the ship etc.

We’ve just visited East Timor a couple of weeks ago and now we are at our next port. I can’t wait to get back home for Xmas and spend time with my friends and family 🙂

Anyway, if you would like to email I would love to hear from you and I can keep you updated on what we are up to if you’re interested.

Thanks again for the gift, it was so lovely to receive something – especially since I spent my birthday here at sea

    Kind Regards,

Hi Clarissa,
       Thank you so very much for my fantastic laundry bag, I received it today and was totally taken by the unique gift. I don’t think I will use it as I think it will be more of a keep sake for me. I would just like to say if your gifts of quilts and laundry bags give the happiness I felt when I opened the gift its obviously made with great skill and a lot of love, you are doing a fantastic service yourselves. Thanks again to you and all the other ladies for a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life. 

       Well Clarissa thank you again and please pass on my thanks to the other ladies for me. I just wanted to tell you that all your good work is greatly appreciated and your gifts bring big smiles to all that receive them.

Big hug to you all

Dear Anna and Family,

The quilt has arrived and I love it so much. I showed everybody in my team that are spread out here the photo’s immediately on WhatsApp, we were all blown away as all of us grew up on Dragonball, Dragonball Z.

To be honest it made me a little emotional and brought a tear to my eye that people actually care this much to do what you have done. The work you put into this quilt is above and beyond and it was definitely worth the wait. I too have a 12 year old daughter that loves anime and she is keeping me updated on the new Dragonball Super series that she watches online with sub titles.

Again I love that quilt so much, I want to try and get an awesome photo with it and email it to you with my team. 

I love the extra’s you threw in, I shared some of it but the rocky road was always going to be mine, and some of the guys stole my TimTams, they are irresistible and couldn’t help themselves. The playing cards are awesome and the keyring too, I am going to put it on our carkeys. The poster is awesome, I bought some similar pictures from comicon, you truly went above and beyond and I will not forget what you have done for me. I was in a bit of a slump as we have just started our 4th month and we have a long way to go and then your boxes arrived and when I opened it I could not believe my eyes. 

Hope you guys are not too cold back there in Perth, it is 49 degrees here today but it is slowly starting to get cooler around the mid to low 40’s which is great.

Kindest Regards

Hi Pennie,

I am sorry I have taken so long to reply but a lot is going on around me. You probably heard that I moved locations and I was concerned my quilt would not find me, but it did. It arrived the very same night I flew out to go to Canberra for a funeral.  That’s all said and sorted and I arrived to 11 parcels (LOL) it was my birthday. When I saw one addressed AUSSIE HERO I opened it first (11 o’clock at night) My roomy was equally excited, she is an ICU nurse.

I loved that you and I have so much in common and that you begged to make my quilt, passion is magic, it was truly meant to be. My husband is extremely jealous. I was amazed that you captured so much of me in one quilt. I did not expect that. I am truly honoured. I will have to do another deployment so both of my daughters can have an heirloom when I am finished. 
I cannot decide whether to use it or hang it on my wall back at home, we will see how cold it gets haha. 

Ok that’s it for now and your friend from TAJI was right on the money. Desert, sand, and concrete no trees or grass and it reached 51* in summer. 

Bye for now 

Thanks again for this laundry bag Clarissa. Another amazing job 🙂
It sounds like the weather is great at home and also sounds like your having some fun adventures.
I also went snow boarding with my partner in June before our deployment. Was my first time in over 10 years, we are very lucky to have the snowy mountains so close.
Hope all is well with you and your family.


Dear Ruth,

The wonderful laundry bag that you made arrived here in Egypt yesterday. I appreciate the time and skill that went into making it.

I am part of the Australian contingent in the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO). The Australian contingent consists of 27 Australians from Army, Navy and Air Force. The role of the MFO is observe, verify and report breaches of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in the Sinai Peninsula. We are here with people from 11 other countries, including the US, NZ and Canada. The Australians hold various roles in the MFO, so we’re fairly scattered around the two camps we occupy. We do come together fairly regularly as a contingent, and I know that the laundry bags and quilts made by Aussie Hero Quilts are eagerly anticipated and treasured by those who receive them.

Thank you for investing your time and labour in this endevour. It is very much appreciated. I shared a photo with my family back home, and they were very impressed (the Tim Tams are also disappearing very quickly).

Many thanks,

Dear Joy,

I would like to say a very big thank you for the wonderful quilt that you have created for me.
It is very kind of you to put so much effort into these items for people that you don’t even know.
It has now been 7 years for me in the Navy, a job that has taken me all over the world and created some fantastic friendships along the way. It has also taught me how to plan well ahead and fold and pack everything quite tightly. I have managed to remember everything I needed for this deployment, thanks for the offer though.
The time away from family has to be the hardest part of the job for me and something that I don’t think anyone can get used to. I know my partner is extremely excited about my return as I’m sure my two Kelpies are, Bella and Billy. My partner has been doing well, keeping herself busy with her work as a vet nurse and also running her own floristry business. It must be my time to take the dogs off her hands. 

Thank you once again, your kindness is greatly appreciated.



Thank you very much for the Hero Quilt and Laundry bag. It was much appreciated as I recently came down with the notorious “Man Flu” and kept me warm through the fever. I love the design and it will be something I will take home and hang up in my man cave and one day hand down to my children.

My wife is also a nurse and is about to graduate from Med School at the end of this year. So now I can say I come from a house of learned doctors:) I applaud you on your 40 years of service as a nurse and now for your work supporting us.. I proudly use your laundry bag every time I do my laundry and it makes it very easy to find in the piles at the washing point.

Once again thank you very much.



Gday Jo,

        I would like to thank you very, very much for my mighty Panthers quilt. I absolutely love it. When I was asked if I would like to request a quilt through heroes, I thought that I would get something just in the Panthers colours. I did not think that I would receive something like you made for me. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into making this for me. I agree with you about the Panthers colours, I support them but forget what colour they are each year.

              My military life. I joined the Navy in 2001 as a storeman. I have served at HMAS Albatross 3 times ( Navy base in Nowra), HMAS Success twice, HMAS Tobruk, HMAS Sydney and now on HMAS Newcastle. I really enjoy the time at sea but it is very hard to be away from my family especially this trip being my longest time I have spent away. My family have stayed in Nowra the whole time I have been in the Navy. I have lived in Sydney by myself when I have been posted to the ships. This last time it has been almost 5 years away from home. I still get home on weekends and leave time though.

        Once again I thank you so much for the quilt. It is great to receive something like this as it does make me feel appreciated. Please keep up the great work, it has put a big smile on my face and I am sure other sailors who have received something from heroes are as much appreciative as me.

Thank you,

To Caroline,

Thank you very much for my quilt.  The quilt turned out perfect, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

I have been in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) for 12 years as of the 6thSeptember.
This is my first deployment.  I started my career as a supplier for 38SQN, which were the
Caribou until they were no longer active in the RAAF.
I then posted to Tindal to 75SQN which look after FA18.  I changed my mustering and completed a plumbing apprenticeship.
I now work at 65SQN which look after air fields and camp maintenance.

I have a very supportive wife and 2 sons who are now used to me going away for work.
This year I deployed on my wife’s birthday, and once again missed my son’s birthdays.
Luckily for me they understand that these are the sacrifices we have to make being in a military family.
I’m third generation military member, as my grandfather fought in World War II and was a rat of Tobruk, and my father retired as a Warrant Officer Pay Clark in the RAAF.

Once again, thank you for my quilt and a very big thank you for the support everyone at
Aussie Hero Quilts give us.  I’ve been away from family since 4thApril 2017 and knowing there are people in Australia like you who are sending quilts and care packages over here is really amazing.
It really lifts the morale here when they arrive.

Thank you,


Good morning Su

I have received one of the laundry bags you made for 1 SQN.  It was a great surprise and a great initiative for us over here. I want to thank you for taking the time to make it.  It’s a great souvenir from my time here.

This is second deployment with 1 SQN in 3 years and I’m due to head home in a little under 2 months.  My fiance and our baby on the way look forward to it. 

Thankyou again for all the work you do. While it may seem like a small gesture it absolutely made my week. It’s something I’ll hang onto forever. 

Kind regards 

Good Afternoon Sue,

    Thank you so much for my Aussie Hero laundry bag, it is everything I could have hoped for. As for the extra bits and pieces you included in the package, it is a great reminder of home.

    A little about myself, I am 30 years old, recently have got engaged before being deployed and getting married mid next year. Originally from north-west Sydney, moved to Brisbane 4 years ago and found a great home and life on the bay of Brisbane and fair to say I won’t be returning to Sydney any time soon.

    Your work with the Aussie Hero Quilts is very well recognized among everyone here on deployment and the morale is definitely boosted when people receive their quilts and laundry bags, showing them off and talking about the different designs. Not a day goes by I don’t see one of the laundry bags being put to good use around the camp, I know mine has been a great addition to my travel musts, and being a lover of travelling I will never leave this bag at home.

    Once again thank you for your generosity with making these quilts and laundry bags, great to know there are more than just our family members back home, that are thinking of us.

Hi Beverly,

     I want to start by first thanking you for the quilt you took the time to make and send to me. I can guarantee it is extremely appreciated and It has taken pride of place on my bed since its arrival. It was admired by everyone I showed with several people making a point that it is the best one they have seen so far.. I couldn’t agree more myself.. You did a wonderful job and I can not express my gratitude enough.

A little about me, I have now been in the Air Force for just over 18 years and this is my first deployment into an operational situation. I was very much looking forward to it and I have not been disappointed so far. It is great to finally be a part of something real and helping make a difference as part of the big picture coalition. I am a father to a just turned one year old, Ryan. He has been keeping his mum busy whilst I have been away and he will have changed quite a lot once I return home. They are both coping well and I get to video call them often which is good. I know my wife is definitely looking forward to having me home again which will be prior to Xmas which is great. Thanks again for the quilt and all you do for this worthwhile cause.

I hope to get a picture of the quilt and myself in front of a jet before I leave. Although I can’t promise I will I will try my best to achieve this for you.

Kind Regards,


Hi Julie-Ann,
Thank You for the Laundry Bag.
The 1 SQN Logo is excellent, well done and the picture on the front was what I requested.

I am currently deployed in the Middle East with the FA-18 Super Hornets running the weapon teams which look after the weapon systems and weapons for the aircraft.
 Having people like yourself makes you realise apart from our families there is support for the Australian Defence Force – this is extremely comforting.

A little about myself:
 I have been in the Air Force 27 year, at home I have my wife and three children eldest daughter is 19, younger is 12 and I have a son in the middle aged 16. Oh and a dog Coby.
We have lived in many places in Australia including SA near the Barossa Valley, we still have a house there and would return if we get the chance.

I hope your Husband is doing well and it is people like you that make this world a better place.


Hi Clarissa,

Just wanted to send a quick email to say thank you for the support and the quilt you sent me on this deployment.  Glad you made a large quilt as I am 6’4 so this’ll fit perfectly in my bed both at work and home and I’m sure my wife will try steal it away at times I’m sure. Hope you and your family have a great and safe year for 2017 and an even better 2018.

Thank you again for your support

Hello Donna,

I received your absolutely beautiful amazing Harry Potter quilt. Thank you so so sooooo much my 11 year old is going to love it!  The work you have put into it is very special and I really appreciate the effort you have gone into.

This is my 3rd deployment to the Middle East, hopefully my last for a little while. I am really looking forward to getting home and being a mum again 🙂

I thought the package from your husband was amazing. Definitely tell him to keep sending through the Tim Tams. They are a type of currency over here haha. Please tell him thank you and I absolutely loved sharing them with my team.

Thanks for all the effort you and your quilting team go to, it definitely helps boost morale seeing these parcels and the surprise thats waiting for us inside 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy quilting and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hi Jean,
Thank you so much for the time and effort you put in to making my laundry bag, that arrived today. It looks amazing and is something I will find really useful (no more plastic bags for me).
I have four daughters, which has been keeping  my wife busy. Unfortunately, I’ve been working long and unique hours which has made it hard to keep in touch with my family.
Coffs Harbour is not somewhere I have visited, but it does sound lovely.
Thank you again,

Hello Clarissa,

I just wanted to send a massive thank you for my beautiful laundry bag. It was so much more amazing that I could have imagined. I very proudly showed it to everyone here I work with and they all laughed because you couldn’t have made one more attune to my personality and outlook on life!

My girls are 8 and 10 and are currently in the United States on a month long adventure with their dad. I miss my girls so much (they skyped me this morning). My youngest cried so I had to put on a brave face (I did’t really succeed unfortunately) while my older daughter tried to be stoic and tell me about her amazing holiday activities. I get to go home for a break just after Christmas but will then be back over here until Mar. The days are really long but I am proud to be serving my country in a small way.

Enjoy spending your time with your grandson and thank you again for the beautiful laundry bag. It will always be very special to me.

Take care. 


Good Evening Thelma, Carolyn & Jan-Maree,


It was such a nice surprise to come to work and have sitting on my desk 2 parcels from AHQ.

The quilt and laundry bag were more than what I expected and I loved that you were both able to incorporate  ‘The 3 C Tribe’!! My wife will surely love that!

They will both be cherished by my wife kids and will be a reminder of the sacrifices my whole family has made in order for me to do my job, not only on deployment but also when I’m back home. From being out field for months at a time, to months long courses held interstate, the true heroes are them in my eyes.

Thank you again for your wonderful generosity, time and money spent creating these beautiful quilts and bags.

All the best, 


I received the quilt that you have kindly designed and made. I would like to thank you for such a wonderful quilt. You have definitely delivered beyond my expectations and I am grateful that you managed to include the two patches that I requested.
You are correct in your assumption as to the part of the world I am currently serving in.

The beanie will come in handy as the weather is starting to take on a cool edge, I arrived in the Middle East and it was 61 degrees, now it is only reaching low 30’s. Soon it will be snowing, something I have not lived with since a young lad in England.

Well Jennifer, thank you again for a job well done and your kind words of support. Days over here a tendency to really blend together and can feel like a never ending ground hog day. Over my 15 years of service I have seen the Positive effects that Aussie Hero’s and their Army of generous and talented individuals like yourself have on the Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen/Women have had.

When your gifts and kind words arrive, you can see the appreciation in the faces of the recipients.

So thank you again not only for the hard work you have done for my Quilt, also for your previous and continuous efforts in bringing a little piece of happiness to the men and women of our armed forces.

Thank you.


Your amazing laundry bag made it!

It has made my day, your design and esp the cute koalas are to die for!

This is a short and quick email to say I am already munching down on the treats, and I am so grateful for the bag.

I will email more tomorrow, and will have something in the mail as a small gesture of my thanks in return!!!

Thanks again,

Dear Kay,
As I returned to the area of operations today, after my “halfway break”, I couldn’t help but feeling a bit down.
I was really missing home and all of the comforts of our Australian lifestyle.
I can tell you that receiving your parcel has put a big smile on my face, and I used it immediately on the day as I had night duty.
When I requested the quilt and laundry bag I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I received has blown me away.
I was ‘over the moon’ when I saw the Super Nova, which BTW is my absolute favourite thing in this universe, and the ‘Valentina’ stitched in the quilting was brilliant.
The quality of your work was simply ‘stellar’ and the design was ‘out of this world’.
It has most certainly brightened my ‘space’.

Thank you sincerely for your gifts


Good morning/afternoon,

I am the very happy recipient of a beautiful Aussie Hero quilt that has been made by you.

I can not express in words how much I appreciate your efforts and how much I like the quilt. I asked for blue with a RAAF/plane theme and you managed to capture what I pictured in my mind’s eye perfectly! Thank you so much, it really gave me a boost over here.

I am an Operations Officer in the RAAF and worked previously as an Air Traffic Controller. This is my first deployment and I am really enjoying my time over here. The support that members of the community such as yourself provide to us is also significantly contributing to this effort.

Thank you so much again. …..

As I said, great messages.  Now back to work for me…. 
still lots of last minute details to iron down

Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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