Game On and Down Under…… they have arrived.

Written by AHQ

30 December 2017

Congratulations to the Invictus Teams who competed in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. The Game On Team from Britain crossed the line first 

 followed by the Aussie Team Down Under at 3:56am. 

I am told that the Down Under Team had a man overboard within hours of the start and the quilts we sent along were quickly put to good use warming him up. 

Our littlest sailor lasted the distance as you would expect, seen here with a couple of mates, post race

ummmm and like most sailors, he enjoyed a bit of a light refreshment once his duties were completed!

Huge congratulations to all concerned.  What a great achievement!
Definitely unconquered!

As it is almost that time, here’s wishing you all a Happy New Year


Jan-Maree xx

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