12 March. 1900
The patient is doing well. Arrived back at the hospital to find that she had been moved into the intensive care unit! Apparently this is normal procedure for a double knee replacement….but this would have been good to know ahead of time! I nearly had a heart attack when they told me where they had moved her to.
They do this so that they can give more frequent observations and better pain management.
She is able to wriggle her toes and lift her legs up from the bed. The nursing staff were pretty impressed with that performance! Resident doctor has visited and he was quite happy with everything. I expect that J-Ms surgeon will be seeing her tomorrow to do a more thorough review.
Jan-Maree is having some pain but it’s manageable at this stage. They have her on some pretty strong stuff at this stage.
I expect that she will be moved out of ICU tomorrow to a standard ward and will be better placed to receive visitors then.
She has her beloved iPhone and iPad with her now so she is enjoying all of the messages of support and encouragement.
Thanks so much for all the good wishes and thoughts from everyone
Wishing you all the very best. Take care
Wishing you all the very best. Take Care. Carol
Send thoughts of a speedy recovery frlm rather hot QLD.
Thanks for the update David. Great to hear. Hopefully Jan-maree will sleep well tonight with some good pain relief.