From pillar to post in Canberra……

Written by AHQ

19 October 2016

Hi All

Greetings from Canberra.   A very brief message….. today I have meetings at 8am, 930, 1030, 1130 which thankfully includes lunch, 230pm, 515pm and then dinner….. I might not get to emails til tomorrow night but I will be checking them throughout the day.   If you need an answer to something email me and include your phone number. If I can, I will call you… otherwise, I will answer tomorrow night or when I get home on Thursday/Friday.

Incidentally, today I delivered a quilt to a senior member just home.  One of the first things she told me is that there is something from Aussie Heroes just about everywhere you go over there….  she also mentioned that the TAJI hospital looks wonderful with our quilts!  Way to go team!

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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