Emails please

Written by AHQ

19 June 2016

Hi all

Please bear with me if  I post a few short info/business posts but it is the easiest way to communicate with the majority of people as not everyone has Facebook.

1.  A big thank you to all those that volunteered to collate the quilter’s details. Lisa K was very quick to put her hand up to help me, and as she is more or less “local” to me, and is already involved with the “technical” side of Aussie Heroes (as well as being a quilter) she is already familiar with the systems to that makes life much easier. We will be setting up a special email for quilters to use so standby for that.  

2.  Our previous post specified several ways people can get involved and help.  I know lots of you have great ideas but if you can possibly please stick to the suggestions we have given so far that would be appreciated. I am still trying to establish a home for my husband and sons as well as get AHQ up and running.  I have to do things in an organised and strategic manner or I will become swamped.  One step at at time please. 

3.  If you have a query feel free to ask the question on the Facebook page if you are on Facebook and if someone can help you they will.  If you still don’t get an answer then email me. I am trying to keep up with the comments but emails are easier for me to see. 

4. If you have been given a name and address to send a quilt or a laundry bag to please continue to do so.  Just because I am out of action temporarily deployments go on and people need their goodies.  I do not have the request list up and running to do not have anywhere to record that parcels have been sent. Can you please keep a record of what you send off, who you send it to and when you send it and i will call for the details when i catch up…. hopefully after the 26th of June. 

5.  Finally, if you are sewing quilts and laundry bags that need homes please just keep sewing.  As soon as I can I will be calling for people to send quilts and bags off and I will let you know when you tell me what you have ready to go.

Please bear with me, we will get up and running again.  Believe it or not losing my house to a fire was one of my biggest fears in life, as was losing my laptop and all my Aussie Hero Records……..

I now know I can survive both,,…. with time…. and lots of support from you wonderful people.

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Maria

    You are amazing JM getting on with things … Take good care of your family and self first. 😘😘

  2. Unknown

    So sorry to hear you lost your house and all your AHQ records in a fire JM. You are amazing and look after yourself and your family, you will get there xxx

  3. Unknown

    So sorry to hear you lost your house and all the AHQ Records in a fire JM. Thinking of you and your family during this time. Take care of yoyrself and your family, you will get there xxx

  4. Sue Niven

    We will be here and ready to go when you are.


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