Oh sigh!  What more could you ask for than for your quilt to make someone feel loved!  I am not ashamed to say that I was teary when I read that comment.  It wasn’t one of my quilts that prompted that response – the honour for that belongs to the lovely ladies from the Pilgrim Patchers in Melbourne – but I suspect that there are lots of others “over there” who feel the same.
(one of the Pilgrim Patchworkers Quilts)

I am hearing more and more how much the Aussie Icons – the roos, the flag and the southern cross being the main ones we have used – are meaning to everyone over there.  They are really morale boosting for everyone.  Even a simple strip quilt with a kangaroo on it or a flag pieced into it is much appreciated so don’t be afraid to give it a go. 

In that light – if you send me a quilt top and if I have time – would you be offended if I appliqued a roo or similar on it?  Please let me know what you think.

 If you are living in Brisbane and want to sew for AHQ but cannot quilt Diane from Diane’s quiltting quest is really keen to help you out.  Please give her a call.  This is a really good way for some of you newer quilters to be able to send off completed quilts.  

Diane’s Quilting Quest
(07) 3863 1853

If you don’t think you need her help today but decide you might be able to in the future all you have to do is go to Quilt Specifics and I will have her listed there too.

Update please

If i have sent you a bunch of BOMs to assemble throughout the year can you please email me with an update.  This is not a hurry up – think of it as a status report if you will.

Finally, a lot of people have asked me what they should write in their letters when they send off their quilts.  I know it can be hard to know what to say to someone you have never met.  Sometimes you don’t even know how old they are but they all seem to enjoy getting letters and if it were me I would love to know a little bit about the person who took the time to send me a quilt.

For those of you who are struggling with what to write here is a suggested format.

Introduce yourself and your family

Tell them a little about why you sew for AHQ or what got you started.

Tell them a little about your quilt.  How you chose the colours, how the kids/husband/dog got involved,  how many quilts you have made for AHQ or others etc.  

Finally, add in whatever you want.  What has been happening lately in your family or in the community.  Talk about the weather or your plans for the summer holidays or whatever you can think of.  Maybe pretend you are writing to a new penpal.  If you can, make your letter funny.  Include a few jokes.  Whatever takes your fancy.  

If anyone else has any suggestions or idea for what can be included in the letters/note please leave a comment or email me and I will include them in tomorrow night’s post.

It doesn’t have to be long.  It could just be a postcard.  Don’t over think it.  Just do it.

This afternoon I collected the 12 (YES TWELVE) quilts that Paul and Paula have quilted for us.  I dropped in another 7 to them!  What marvels they are!

Well, I am off to dinner tonight with Caroline and CHELLE!  Yep, the lovely postmistress from EGYPT is in town and we are meeting up with her!  Photos (assuming I remember to take my camera) and stories to tell tomorrow night.

Til next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!