This month’s Block of the Month is brought to you by Kylie……..

Before I get started, I just want to say ‘AWESOME JOB’ everyone – the amount of BOM’s coming in over the last couple of months is just outstanding and makes such a big different to the number of quilts we can send off.  So, a big THANK YOU to everyone who has sent blocks.

Wonky 9 Patch

I know you are all busy with the festive season so this month is another really simple block.  It is also another one where you get bonus blocks….‘two for the price of one’ so to speak!

Cutting – this block uses 10″ squares.  I really like 10″ as a starting size, as you get 4 squares from 25cm of fabric with very little wastage.  If you are buying Fat 1/4’s CUT in Australia, you will also get 4 from a Fat 1/4.  (Note: USA Fat 1/4’s are smaller as they are based on yards, not metres).

Here goes…..are you all ready?

Layer your fabrics, one on top of each other, right sides up.

Place your ruler onto the blocks randomly and make two cuts – roughly cutting the squares into thirds.

Take the top fabric from the top of the left hand pile and place onto the bottom of the pile.  Repeat for the pile on the right hand side.

Join the top strips back together using a 1/4″ seam – repeat for the strips in the bottom pile, the colours will be sitting opposite to the top block.  Iron the seams open (makes cross cutting in the next step much easier).  This picture shows the two blocks = one right side up, one wrong side up.

Layer the blocks one on top of each other – try and line up the seams and the edges as good as you can, they will not be perfectly aligned.

Crosscut again in the opposite direction – again cutting the blocks approximately into thirds, making the lines a bit ‘wonky’.

You may have noticed the board my blocks are on…it is called a ‘design board’ and is really handy for quilters.  You can find the tutorial here

Join the strips again to make blocks….no need to line up the seams, however they fall is fine.  Mine happen to fall into alignment sometimes, and sometimes not.

You should now have two blocks that look like this:

Other options….

Now, here is the fun bit…you can use as many fabrics in the pile as you like…the more you use, the more colours your blocks will have in them.  You could use 9 squares of fabric, pile them up and cut – however if doing this, I suggest you do one cut (about a third again) – move the top fabric to the bottom of ONE pile, join into blocks and iron.  Then layer the blocks again – do the second cut (same direction as the first), move the top of ONE pile to the bottom and rejoin etc.  Continue until you have made four cuts (two up and down and two across) – and you have Wonky 9 Patch Blocks.  Nine squares will make nine blocks….six squares will make six blocks etc.

Some quilts for inspiration:

I personally LOVE this quilt…..and again, for those of you in Brisbane, East Coast Fabrics has Batiks for under $10 a metre! YUMMY!

      Ok, this month, can you please send the block to:

Aussie Hero Quilts
PO Box 248
Cherrybrook NSW 2126

Until next time….it’s bye from Kylie

Oh Yum!  I am going to love these blocks I can tell!   Thanks Kylie!
Have fun every one!

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!