BLOCK OF THE MONTH February 2019

POINTY SHOO-FLY BLOCKSThese blocks are going to make great quilts for our Aussie Heroes.  I think they have such interesting shapes within them and have a feeling of strength and movement.They are not a difficult block to make, as they are the traditional...


Here’s another selection of Quilts made by the Coffs Harbour Sewing Team for our Aussie Heroes using theBlocks of the Month contributed by volunteers all over Australia.THANK YOUto all who have contributed blocks.  I hope you can find some of your...

A message from a wife….

This loving wife requested a quilt for her husband as a surprise. I have just sent her a photo of the completed quilt, made by Pennie, and told her that it is on its way. This was her response, published with her permission…. Oh, Jan-Maree!! Thank you...

Aussie Hero Quilts Request List…. .28 Jan 19

Hi allPlease, please, please read this preamble each week as the info does change. I am receiving a lot of questions from people who have not read this info so you would make it easier for me too if you took a few minutes to read it.Priority Quilts – Help Needed….We...

Star Blocks….

Hey all,I know there are some of you out there who do not have the time, inclination or resources to make whole quilts.  We have a couple of programs that cater for you and give you options, (Mystery Quilts and our Blocks of the Month) but at the moment we have a...