I hinted on Facebook that I would have some great posts coming up after the Series finishes and it seems that some of you just can’t stand the suspense. Don’t feel bad – some secrets are just too good to keep!
First up Nadene received a heartfelt thanks for the quilt she recently sent…..
Thank you very much for the quilt. it got here the other day and it is beautiful.
Please pass on my thanks to everyone involved.
It is a great pleasure to receive such a thoughtful gift from home. This was the first care package that I have received that was addressed to me personally by name after 3 deployments. Different from the ones that I have received from the RSL addressed to “a member that is serving” and now holds alot of sentimental value.
Again thank you so much and I don’t think I can put into words how appreciative I am of yours and your teams efforts. I will treasure this item for the rest of this deployment and well into the future when I return to Australia.
Then I received this happy message from our point of contact in Egypt. She has been absolutely great about letting me know when boxes arrive.
Good-morning Jan-Maree, Just a quick note to let you know 4 more quilts arrived today, along with what looks like hundreds of care packages. The quilts we rec’d were from Erika (she sent 2) ,Stephanie from WA and Gail of NSW. Our 2IC received one of Erika’s and was so impressed she has already sent Erika an email thanking her.
This is the message the 2IC sent to Erika.
As you may have been told here in the Sinai, Australia is a small contingent. The current strength of Australian soldiers is 25 in a large multinational force of approximately 2400 personnel. All the Australians are located at the main camp in the North of the Sinai Peninsula. This particular operation is considered a minor one but we do play an important role in supporting the MFO in monitoring the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel.
I have been very fortunate to have had this opportunity and as you have probably noticed in the news, Egypt is experiencing a very tumultuous time since the Revolution in Jan 2011. The MFO is supported by a number of other nations including the United States, Republic of Fiji, Canada, Colombia, New Zealand, France, Uruguay, Hungary and Italy. Being able to work alongside such a multicultural force has been an exceptional experience.
As we stand at the moment we have got enough quilts in the mail or under construction for everyone in Egypt. Well done everyone! My plan is to start sending more quilts for the new team in Egypt around the end of July. That way some of the quilts will be there waiting for them on arrival.
At some point during our few back and forth email he asked me if there was anything he could get me from over there. My initial response was I would love a keyring – (more on that on my Cherry Red Quilter blog tomorrow night) but then I decided that what I really needed was some photos that I could show you all. I know sometimes it is hard for the guys to email photos home so I said I could wait till he came home. Not only did he say he would get me some pictures he said he would bring them to me when he came home – yes, I did a happy dance!
I love all the pinwheels down the sides of that quilt, so cute. Is it the same size as all the other quilts ?
Oh Wow Jan-Maree! That last quilt is PERFECT!!! She looks absolutely adorable sitting on it too – makes it even MORE special!!! … Thanks for sharing all the information and thankyous! Always glad to hear what is going on … My first quilt is currently in the washing machine atm, so that one will be available when you need it – just let me know.
oooohhhhhhh how lovely you are a darling…do you know if the 25 will be replaced or just some of them..and when you do find out can you let me know,we will have a package ready for them to go..thanks for all your help…