Block of the Month September 2017

Written by AHQ

31 August 2017

Flag Colour Blocks

It touches our hearts, it stirs our souls, it encourages us to forget our differences and 
stand united as a strong nation.  Our flag speaks volumes. 

This month we’re making blocks to use in Aussie Heroes’ Quilts that remind them that ordinary, everyday Aussies like us, are thinking of them and are supporting them.
These colours also represent several sports team that our Recipients ask 
to be represented in their Quilts.

We have SO many wonderful block makers who contribute to BOM
E.V.E.R.Y block is used 
Your blocks enable the making of many, many quilts every month
Keep watching the Blog to see the finished Quilts


This month, I’m asking you to be very specific about colours and only use the colours of our Flag
Please use 
  • tone-on-tone fabrics
  • plain fabrics
  • fabrics with prints that are specifically Aussie and the red, white and blue of our Flag
  • fabrics with prints that are subtle and the red, white and blue of our Flag
The majority of our Recipients are male and prints should be not too feminine.
Please use 100% cotton fabrics
The above flag print from Spotlight is a cotton drill and even though it is a little heavier 
than our normal weight cotton fabrics, it works well in patchwork.

                       I know this is more specific than we usually request but the result will be a 
                           batch of blocks that can be used to meet the requests of our Recipients.
The last BOM for the year will be an opportunity to use all your 
Australian print fabrics of any colour so put them aside ready for those blocks.

Use 1/4 inch seam allowance

Cut one strip of red fabric 6 inch wide and trim off the selvedges
Crosscut to give four 6 inch squares and four 4 1/4 inch rectangles

Cut four 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch blue squares

On the wrong side of the blue squares, draw a diagonal line
Position the blue square on the red square and pin 
Sew on the drawn line

Cut 1/4 inch away from the seam
Turn the blue triangle over and press the seam to form a large square

From the blue fabric, cut four 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 inch squares
From the white fabric, cut five 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 inch squares

Make three rows by joining three adjoining squares

To make joining the rows easier, press seam allowances of the middle row towards the outer edges
Press seam allowances of the other two rows towards the inside.
See picture…the seam allowances will go in opposite directions when joining the rows and allow the seams to “lock” together.

Sew the three rows together and press seam allowances to one side or open.

Layout all nine pieces of the block as shown
Make three rows by joining adjoining squares
Press seam allowances of the centre square to the outside and seams of the other two rows to the inside – as shown above for the centre square
Join the three rows together to form the block and press seam allowances to one side or open

Sew the off-cut triangles together to form a small square.  These little squares will be used in making borders and other blocks by the Coffs Harbour Team who make Quilts using BOM.  Don’t trim if they’re not exactly square as they will be cut to size.

The blue background block is made as above by reversing the red and blue fabrics.  
Do not join the blocks together as shown in the picture at the beginning of the Tutorial.


as they will all be cut to different sizes to fit the Quilt designs of each 
individual Quiltmaker in Coffs Harbour.

Watch the Blog to see Quilts made using these beautiful blocks.

A PDF version of the block can be found HERE

Send your blocks and off-cut triangle squares to

Sandy Corry
9 Wendouree Court
North Boambee Valley   NSW   2450

…and until next month, happy sewing!


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  1. Jo

    Nice block. And to use the left over half square triangles is wonderful


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