Welcome to Aussie Heroes 101 Part 4.  There are a few topics tonight – Special Requests, The Volunteer List, Quilts in Waiting and  WWQs.

Special Requests.  

This is what we call it when a serving member or their family find us and request a quilt or a laundry bag.  We love these requests as it means that we usually have some sort of personal contact with the recipient and/or their family.  That is something that usually doesn’t happen when we send our quilts off with the care packages that go through the April and Christmas mailing.

The Volunteer List
In order to meet the demands of the Special Requests I have a list of volunteers who are happy to put a quilt together at short notice.   There are currently 14 ladies on this list.  When I receive a request I forward the info, minus identifying details, to the 14 ladies on the Volunteer List.  Whoever feels they can fit the request in with their own commitments gets back to me with an offer to complete the requested quilt.  

I work on a six week plan.  I allow two, maximum three weeks to get the quilt completed and in the mail and then another two or three weeks for the quilt to actually travel to its destination via snail mail.  

Generally, when I put out a call for a volunteer I get more takers than I need and I usually operate on a first “in best dressed rule”.  Having said that though, if I know someone is really keen and has missed out on a couple of opportunities then they might get first option the third time.  Also, if I know of a quilt that is well under way which I think might be suitable for the request I might email the quilter and ask if they are interested in completing it in time to fill the request.

I can always use more volunteers so if this idea appeals to you please leave me a comment or send me an email.  You don’t need to put your hand up each time a request comes through – only whenever it fits in with your commitments.

Quilts in Waiting
Maybe I need a better name for this one but as yet I haven’t come up with one.  If you have completed a quilt, or even have it at flimsy or quilt top stage, it would be great if you could email me a picture so that I can file it away in the Quilts in Waiting File.

Here is a quilt top that Kylie is working on and has let me know about.  

And here is the gorgeous May BOM quilt that Pip made and which I mentioned last night.

These are both in my Quilts in Waiting File and may go off in response to a special request or they may wait until the Christmas mailing.

If you have a top or a completed quilt how about letting me know.  

And finally we come to some very special quilts, ones that we hope we will never need to use but which will serve a very important purpose if needed.

Wounded Warrior Quilts (WWQs)

We have been asked to provide three quilts that can be held in the hospital in Kandahar to be given to any wounded soldiers who transit through there on their way to hospital in Germany.  Unfortunately our first three quilts arrived in Kandahar one hour after our last three soldiers were flown to Germany.  At least we know that three quilts are in situ now should they be needed.

These are the three quilts that are currently on standby in Kandahar.  

This one by Liz

This one by Wendy 

Finally this one a quilt top by Claire – this photo was sent to us by one of the chaplains. 

Preferably they should be Australian in flavour as they will accompany the soldier to Germany and a bit of familiar Aussie-ness would hopefully be comforting to them.  

They need to be sent in plastic bags that can be vacuum sealed as the Chaplain said the dust gets into everything and we don’t want the quilts dusty and dirty before they are even handed to their recipient.  

I also try to keep three quilts ready in Australia so that they can replace any that are used as soon as we get word of their need.  The quilts will be sent direct to the Chaplain who passes them on to the hospital for storage.  

These two, the first by Liz

 and the second by Linda, are currently in my WWQ in Waiting File.

If you want to go ahead and make one please let me know.  I know of a couple of WWQs that are either completed (please send photos) or are under construction and once I get photos of them I file them in the WWQ in Waiting file until needed. I have had a number of people offer to make WWQs but have not had word that many of them have been completed.  If you have one underway, can you please let me know.  We will not be restricted to posting these quilts only during the April and November mailing dates obviously.

And here is another option – if you don’t have time to sew a while WWQ or quilt top but still want to be part of making such a special quilt – here is an easier option.
 Send me an 8 inch block (7 1/2″ with seam allowance makes it “) in Aussie fabric or red white and blue and I will combine them into WWQs.
Here are six completed by Teresa from America which I received just yesterday.   Does anyone else feel like making some?  Just let me know!

I think that is enough to digest for now – class dismissed!

Till next time………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!