Before I say or do anything else I just have to interrupt this post by saying a very big happy birthday to Jill who turned 40 yesterday and I didn’t even know until today!
Many Happy Returns Jill and here’s to the next 40!

Now, back to laundry bags.

We have loads of new followers on the job now so I thought it was a good time to go over a few things with regards to laundry bags.  Honestly, who knew, when I started this a little over 12 months ago that laundry bags would be such a popular item.  

 I know this blog is called Aussie Hero Quilts (and Laundry Bags) but the only reason it isn’t called Aussie Hero Laundry Bags and Quilts is because of marketing!  Seriously, how many people do you know who google “laundry bags” versus how many people do you think google “quilts”?  

 So while laundry bags may have second billing on the title they certainly do not have second billing in the popularity stakes in Afghanistan and Dubai!  

 Not only do the laundry bags give a bit in individuality in what has been described in the past as a “clonish” environment, they also brighten the place up.   

 Most importantly they make it easier for the guys and girls to find their laundry at the end of a long hard day.  Lost laundry is a thing of the past with an Aussie Hero Laundry Bag.

 I have selected a wide range of laundry bags to show you – fun ones, fairly plain ones and personalised ones.

 It doesn’t seem to matter what they are made out of, what matters is that they have been hand made. 

 They are certainly much more sturdy than the issued bags and 

 definitely more individual!

 So, if you have a bit of spare time and some fabric how about whipping up a laundry bag or two.

 Go through your stash and dig out those fabrics that you look at and think “what was I thinking when I bought that?” and turn them into a laundry bag.  You might not think it is terribly pretty or attractive but to a soldier who is using a garbage bag it will be the best thing since sliced bread!

 Don’t be afraid to have some fun with the fabric.  Do you know how often I hear that the laundry bags with the fun fabric – cartoons etc – are the really popular ones?

Of course none are as popular as the ones with the Australian Icons on them.

There are loads of Aussie flag teatowels out there now with Australia Day coming up and they are perfect for one side of a laundry bag.

Initially we used to send one laundry bag with every quilt where possible, and I still strive to do that.  These days, however, we send loads of laundry bags off on their own.  I have serving members in various locations – Kandahar, Dubai, Tarin Kot – who are acting as distributors for us.  Parcels of laundry bags are sent to them and they hand them on to those that need them.  I keep a record to make sure that we are distributing the laundry bags as evenly as possible.  Some of the ones that go to Dubai and are sent from there to places where people may not have previously heard of us.   

Here is a Challenge for you!

This year I want to do something different for Australia Day.  This year I want to throw out the challenge.  On Saturday the 26th of January I want to post pictures of laundry bags, and many as possible, but not just any laundry bags – 
Laundry bags with an Aussie Flavour!

They don’t take long to make so I think between now and Saturday week we should see how many we can rustle up with some sort of Aussie theme.  
Aussie fabric,
Aussie icons appliqued
Aussie flag panels or teatowels
Aussie Words

They can be spare ones to send off separately to my distributors or they could be ones that are being made to accompany quilts that you are already doing.  They do not have to be posted off next week if you are saving them to go with a quilt – they just have to be finished so that I can post a photo.

To be included in the blog all photos need to be emailed to me no later than 10am on the 26th.  All laundry bags must have SOMETHING on them that is specifically Australian.
If you haven’t made a laundry bag before then now is your chance to give it a go!  They are really quite easy!

How many do you think we can make between now and the 26th?
Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!