Still working on a name to call the Aussie Hero Sewers – really can’t say that now without thinking of the other pronunciation and meaning of the word!  Here are some options – tell me what you think
Aussie Hero Gals,
Aussie Hero Divas,
Aussie Hero Darlings,
Aussie Hero Friends
My hubby and I sat in the car waiting for Fly Boy (number 1 twin) to come out from Youth Group tonight brain storming lots of names.  Not all of them were exactly helpful given his sense of humour and Pauline came up with a bunch too but her sense of humour is a bit like my hubby’s so I picked out the possible ones from here and added them to the list.  I am still thinking about it – there must be something just perfect and catchy that we can use – please leave a comment if you have any suggestions or if you really like any of the above.
Now, let me introduce you to Craftsman Belvedere – he is set to be the littlest recipient we have ever had.  Very appropriately dressed he is in his armor plated jacket.   He is a red side necked turtle and it about 
He is only little as you can see and that is why he only needs a little quilt!  
I think that will be my project for this weekend – that and tidy up the mess that has become my dining room lately – fabric and blocks and stuff everywhere.  
Don’t forget that the next Aussie Hero Sewing Day is on Monday.  Leave a comment if you can come!
Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!