Back on the 8th of December a group of us attended the Inaugulral Aussie Hero Dinner and those that attended were challenged as follows – 

The Inaugural Aussie Hero Friend Dinner Challenge Block.  

I bet you thought you could come along to dinner tonight and just relax and enjoy yourself.  No 

sewing, quilting, pinning, basting, binding and so on.  Well you are right!  None of the above 

tonight but a challenge to be issued for when you get home.

By coming to the dinner you “volunteered” to be part of the first AHQ Challenge Block Quilt. 

 Afterall this group has a military bias and being “volunteered” is the norm once you sign up.
You will find you have one piece of what a few of us have determined to be UGLY fabric.  It was 

donated to me in pieces – lots of it – and I am out to prove that it can be turned from an ugly 

duckling into a swan with the attention of some creative women.

The instructions are simple.  Please make one or more 12 ½inch (12 inch plus seam 

allowance) blocks using this ugly fabric plus any combination of red, white and blue fabrics. 

 Use as many other fabrics as you like, any pattern but please stick to masculine or gender 

neutral – no flowers allowed please.  This quilt will be for a man.

And one final requirement or hint –

Think Australia!

All blocks to be returned to me

PO Box 248

Cherrybrook,  NSW,  2126


1 Feb 2013

Extra ugly fabric can be supplied.

Are you up for the challenge?  Of course you are. 
 Let’s take an ugly duckling and turn it into 

something magnificient.

Thanks for being good sports!

Strangely enough nobody asked for extra ugly fabric 

Cannot understand why!

When I posted about the challenge a few brave souls requested to be allowed to join in even though they had not been at the dinner.  Well why not?  So a few extra pieces of fabric were sent off around the country a here we have the end results.

I will go first coz I was always told you should not expect those you lead to do what you are not prepared to do yourself.

Gail went to town and delivered these gorgeous blocks – 7 in all!




Tess M



Liz J

 Kiwi Karen




EDIT!   Two more blocks whose photo got lost in the computer crash – 
these ones were made by Linda.  

Aren’t they all marvelous blocks? And wasn’t everyone a good sport!  

So, did we take an ugly duckling and turn it into 

something magnificient?

I think so and partly because of the spirit with which these 

blocks has been made.

Next up quilt construction.

Stay tuned!

Till next time…………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!