At last I can announce it!!!!

Written by AHQ

18 September 2017

This year we have been privileged to be asked to make laundry bags 

for the entire 

Aussie Invictus Team….

and next year, 

we will also make 

Laundry Bags

and also 


More posts to come, lots of photos…

as soon as I can get them uploaded and gather them in. 

We have been keeping this a secret for a long time so just had to get it out there.  

Full Story and as many photos as I can coming up in subsequent posts.

Till next time ….. GO TEAM AUSTRALIA

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Wee little Owl

    What an absolute honour to be given the privilege of making a bag or quilt for the Invictus Games. Very unexpected but great news. Wonderful work yet again. Thank you Jan-Maree. Deb W.

  2. Unknown

    This is just the thing to get me sewing for AHQ again after a big break from all sewing while I've been a full on carer.


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