OK -word of warning!  The teens have used up all 500GB of our monthly data allowance and I am typing this hoping like crazy that I can save and post it.  Have not yet worked out how to post with photos on my ipad.  Anyone with any hints in that regard please email me.  Grrrrr

You may remember the great pic that Sue P sent me of the quilt and laundry bag that she made.

Well, it has arrived and here is the response.

Thank you very much for your email. I recieved the Quilt and Laundry bag in country on approximately on the 2nd of June. However, I didn’t recieve it until the 8th. I have been very busy over the last few weeks.

I would like you to know I have a laundry bag that is envied by all who come across it.  It is very distinct in its characteristics, it has bought many a comment. It is also extremely easy to find amongst the piles of washing.

The quilt is awesome. I have it in my room and took it out with me one time, however, I don’t think I will be doing that agian as it got filthy.  I had to wash it twice.  I felt terrible as I was thinking when I washed it if Sue would be happy with me. She did say this is the only Quilt like it in the world.  However, it kept me warm and I didn’t need to carry around a giant sleeping bag.  The quilt provided enough warth throughout the night.

I mentioned earlier in an email that it is a small world. Well once again this is evident. Sue and Trevor who made the Quilt and Laundry Bag live in RXXX,  a town I am very familiar with.   I spent a lot of time there  as a child.

I hope you are well and all is well with Aussie Hero Quilts.

Thankyou once again. Please let Sue and Trevor know I will write when time permits.

You have to appreciate that these guys take the time to write and say thank you when they are often very busy working 15 hours days seven days a week.


Nancy in Kambalda, WA is one busy lady.  She so far has 25 quilts ready to go and more waiting to be quilted.  She has ladies in town who sew for her with material donated to her and a sewing group that can piece a group quilt top each week if the pieces are pre-cut beforehand.  In order to keep all this going she had managed to get some fabulous support from those around her.

The Eastern Goldfields Order of the Old Bastards – Boulder gave her a sizable donation which covered the cost of a load of batting and a large purchase of fabrics as well.  I spoke to the President and thanked him personally last week and he told me that many of their members are Vietnam Veterans who well know the value of what we do.  I have also written a letter of thanks that can be read to the group.

Nancy also gets considerable support from the local Quilt Shop where she helps out regularly called Chez’ Crafty Affair.   Nancy says Chez lets her do all the ironing and most of the cutting of the wadding and backing in the shed at the back of the shop.  Some days apparently it looks like a bomb hits it as they just leave it and go back next time.   Don’t we all need somewhere like that.

And finally, the local Snap Printing has been wonderful donating the printing of labels for all those quilts.    What a wonderful community.

Well done Maria

Another great effort has been made by Maria.  Check out the fabulous quilt tops she has made – you can see them on her blog.  They will be in the mail and on their way to me this week.

And still talking about support.  The wonderful owner of Penrith Patchwork is letting us use his classroom on Saturday to layer and pin the two quilt tops that Pam and I made from fabric he donated a couple of weeks ago.   If there are any other Sydney Aussie Hero Friends that would like to join us at the shop in Saturday please let me know – email or leave a comment.  I am not sure of the times etc but I will confirm as soon as I can.  

Extra good news…..

We now have a quilter happy to quilt free of charge for Aussie Heroes in each State except for Tassie.  In South Australia Chris, The Hilltop Quilter, runs a longarm quilting business.  If any SA ladies would like her to quilt for them she is happy to do their quilts free of charge.  Batting can be supplied at cost price.  Just contact me for her email address or phone number.   I might add that she also has a group of ladies that come to her for sewing classes once a week and they are all making quilts to send off.    Excellent!

Just so you know…

I am hoping to send five to eight quilts and 5-10 laundry bags off to Afghanistan every two weeks.   The next mailing date is the 22 June.  Email me if you want to get in on the action.  I am also looking for at least 15 quilts and laundry bags to go to Egypt for the new team – mailing to start on the 16th of July.   Once again email me if you want part of the action.  

Now if you have already told me about a quilt in waiting or a completed batch of laundry bags you will get first dibs on both of these.  

Also, if you have emailed me and told me that you are planning on making something or have started a quilt etc, please still get back to me and let me know you are finished and it is ready to go.   You would be surprised how often “life” gets in the way and the quilt that was definitely going to be completed in a couple of days is still incomplete two weeks later.  That is just the way it is – nothing the feel bad about as we all have things happen, just please keep me posted with what it happening.

Cross your fingers and hope that this posts okay and I can continue to post all week as I have some good posts planned and already in draft mode, including an extra tutorial, and I will be really cranky if I can’t post them!

Till next time…………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!