Request list
Busy day here so a brief post with a few points of business. The request list is out and on it are 32 quilts that need to be in the mail no later than end of February if they are to get to their recipient before they come home. I hate having rush ones that need doing but with Christmas just behind us and a very busy lead up to Christmas itself we are not as ahead of the game as I like to be.
If you would like to see the request list please let me know. Email me at fr**********@gm***.com.
State Specific Mailing Lists
It is time to update the mailing lists pertaining to the States and Territories. For example I have some information to share with South Australian quilters but I know the mailing list is out of date as we have quite a few new people.
I have lists for
WA, SA, Vic, NSW, Sydney, QLD, NT and ACT.
I also have a mailing list for people who would like to take part in making blocks for Mystery Quilts. For these quilts I nominate a block, frequently a star block as that seems to be the most popular, and people register to make one or more. The blocks are used for a specific quilt so if you cannot make a whole quilt this gives you the chance to make a special block and be part of a particular quilt.
If you would like to go on that mailing list please let me know.
Special Forces Quilts
This is a new one. Periodically I put together a batch of quilts for a group of Special Forces troops. Their quilts are no different from anyone else’s, except that we will probably add their regimental badge (just like we do with the Rising Sun and Skippy Badge when required to other quilts).
The difference is that these quilts need to be posted to me. I maintain the privacy of these guys and girls- they have protected identity – so the quilts need to be sent to me so that I can arrange to have them sent off. Sometimes that means that I drive the quilts to Holsworthy Barracks and hand them over to be posted off and other times I have a contact “in country” and can post them quilts direct and they will disseminate them.
If you are happy to make one of these quilts and post it to me for on-forwarding please let me know. I will add you to the mailing list.
Sydney Sewing Days
Every two or three weeks I run sewing days in my home. The day of the week varies according to my commitments and those who regularly come. On these days you need to BYO lunch and sewing machine and I provide the projects. It could be something as simple as putting blocks together, making a laundry bag or piecing backings. It all depends on what is needed to be done on that day. Whatever we do the days are usually busy but fun.
If you are interested in coming along on these days (I live in the Hills District of Sydney) please let me know and I will add you to the Sydney Mailing List.
Block of the Month
The new block of the Month will come out on Thursday this week. A little late as I normally do it on the 1st but needs must. A huge thank you to Sandy C who is now arranging all the BOMs for me each month. A big help and great for Caroline who used to do them as she really does not have time with her work commitments. Much appreciated Sandy.
Also thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on the Facebook page last night. I asked if everyone would rather make scrappy blocks or if it was better if I nominate a colour scheme. I was thrilled to see that you all wanted me to nominate the colour schemes as that makes life so much easier for me and the blocks so much more useful. Thank you.
This month’s will be black and white with red. Standby to see what the colours will be throughout the rest of the year!
Running Late
Finally should you find that you are running late with a quilt please let me know. Life so often gets in the way of our best laid plans and sometimes there is just nothing you can do about it. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself running late on posting a quilt just email me. A couple of days here or there will not make much difference, usually but a week, two weeks, could be the difference between someone receiving their parcel on deployment or having it following them home.
If I know about it in advance I can often give the troops a heads up and maybe make arrangements for the quilt to be posted to a home address. Maybe they have been extended and I can ease the pressure on you by removing some of the urgency to complete the task. Most importantly, I need to make sure that I am able to contact them once they leave the Middle East and so might need to secure a second email address. I can do all these things if I know what the situation is.
Finally, our good Rita M or Granny Smith as she is also known was interviewed recently by the Herald Newspaper in South Australia. Way to go Rita. You can check it out here if you wish.
Till next time………………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Well done Rita, your an inspiration.
Awesome job.