A new home for Headquarters Aussie Hero Quilts….. at LAST

Written by AHQ

6 May 2018

As most of you know, on the long weekend in June 2016 my family home was all but completely destroyed by fire. If you are not aware of this you can read the original post here.  

Now, 23 months later to the DAY, we are set to collect the keys to our new house on Friday the 11th of May.   I can’t quite believe it is actually going to happen, but it seems it is, and the new house is completely lovely.    

Huge thanks goes to David from Dimora Homes. I am going to give them an unashamedly huge plug as they really bent over backwards to do the best job they could, in a timely matter, sensitive to our situation and also to my limitations with my arthritis. They win a huge gold star!!!

Another post you might like to look back is this one….here
Do you have the right smoke detectors.  

 Check them!
It might save you from the trauma we went through and more importantly might save your life or that of someone you love. 

Our detectors failed to go off and by the time my son woke us up, my husband and I were already sleeping in smoke. Your sense of smell does not work when you are asleep so had he not been home it is very likely that we would have perished. Ten minutes after my son woke us and we left the house, the whole place was engulfed!   To say I am grateful to be alive is an understatement. The fire changed me and these days I take little for granted but i would not wish this new awareness on anyone. 

So, the new house… this red door will always welcome those who supported us through the early days after the fire.  I can’t say the “terrible days”.  These days I try to explain to people that the fire precipitated the six most amazing months of my life as I was blown away and remain overwhelmed by the level of support my family and I received.   The calls, texts, Facebook messages, emails, and gestures of love and support from the quilting community and the defence community touched my heart beyond measure and I will never forget it.

Like the silver lining to a cloud, I have ALWAYS wanted a red door and a red letterbox and now I have them!

You may have seen that the awesome duo, Helen Godden and her lovely mother, Pat, created the most amazing Phoenix Quilt for me, something I had been determined to do but just did not manage to get done in time to make the moving in day.   This is where it will hang… right where you will see it as you enter the house! 

Thank you so much Helen and Pat. 

And just in case you did not see it in my earlier post… my GORGEOUS Helen and Pat Phoenix!

And finally, from out of the ashes of what used to be my lounge room and dining room which lead off to my office (previously situated behind this fireplace) ……

is the new office. People tell me it is a huge room… I am yet to be convinced.  I need to see everything in it first.   Either way, it is a lovely light room that will not see a lounge suite or a dining table whilst I am a resident as this will be the new 
Headquarters Aussie Hero Quilts

Hmmm maybe I need a sign to go over the door. Something else for my to do list.

Anyway, just an update.  I wanted to let you all know what is happening as over the next few weeks, my husband and I, hopefully with the help of friends, will be moving from our rental to our new home… and I CAN’T WAIT!

Lots to do in the mean time so please bear with me if I am slow to answer emails or respond to Facebook.   I will get to it but it will take time 

On the weekend of the 19th and 20th Aussie Heroes will re-locate with a little help.  I want everything set up and ready to go (at least my office set up) by the end of Sunday the 20th. 

One the 21st we have removalists coming to deliver the big furniture from our rental, fridges, beds, tables etc.  As this will be a big job there will be no request list this week.  


By the end of the week we will have finished up with our rental and by the end of the weekend, the 27th, we should be more or less settled, though no unpacked, in our new home.   Hopefully things will then get back to normal. 

So there you have it, 23 months to the day we are going to get the keys to our new home. 

Again, to those of you who responded and reached out when we most needed it, a very huge heartfelt thank you.   I could not have done it without you and I will never forget it. 

So tonight, instead of my normal sign off, I leave you with just one thought……


  Jan-Maree xxx

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  1. Unknown

    Over the moon you will have a place to ca
    L home again. We have traveled the journey with you and wish you all a great fruitful future. Well done guys. Home sweet home.

  2. Maria

    That's fantastic news…. how exciting for your hubby and you….

  3. Unknown

    Love that quilt, the door, and that big "headquarters". Have a great move, no doubt will have more helpers than coffee cups and pizza on the counter.

  4. Jacqui D

    Awesome news for you and your lovely family and the AHQ family…home at last.


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