Grati-Tuesday 20th December 2022

Written by AHQ

20 December 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week on the run up to Christmas Day. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas for Sunday.
We have a beautiful selection of thank yous and photos today from around the globe.
So grab a cuppa or nice cool beverage and candy cane then sit back, relax and enjoy! 

G’Day Bridget R,
Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt that you made for me. The skill, care and thoughtfulness that went into creating the quilt is self evident, is truly appreciated and shall be treasured forever. My request was sent with my daughter in mind as our family love the beach. I have already sent her a picture of the quilt you made. She loves it too and cant wait for me to bring it home to her.
I am currently serving at Camp Baird in the Middle East. There is always great anticipation when the mail arrives with an Aussie Hero Quilt. We are always eager to see the latest creation unveiled by the grateful recipient and are humbled that people such as yourself and your fellow Aussie Hero Quilters volunteer their time to share their skills with great care in creating and gifting such lovely gestures of thanks. It means a lot to us to know that people in the community know that we are here and are thinking of us.
Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself and your family with me and most genuinely thank you for over 40 years of service to nursing. I am about to complete 35 years of service in the ADF and can only hope that when I finally retire that I too can have the opportunity to use my hobbies to give a little bit back in thanks, I’m thinking of woodworking for me though, not quilting 🙂
Wishing you, your family and all of the Aussie Hero Quilters a Very Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Forever Grateful, Thank You Again, Yours Sincerely,


Good Afternoon Ruth S,

Firstly I just want to say how much I love the laundry bag you made for me a little while back. It’s been a crazy year and only just got it today! I know it was a very broad design choice but you have done an amazing job and I absolutely love it! 

I hope you’re doing well and are continuing to make these amazing things for us service men and women, it truly does mean the world when we receive one. 

Once again thank you so much! 

Kind Regards,

Front and Back of the LB made by Ruth S


Dear Jan-Maree, Lynn, Dorothy, Philomena and Arthur,


Last week I was presented with a Fallen Warrior quilt made in memory of my husband, who passed suddenly and unexpectedly. I’m writing to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for such a meaningful and precious gift that I will treasure forever.


I wanted to share some of the comments that were made when I showed mine and Steve’s friends and family the quilt, as they were all as touched as I was.


That is stunningly beautiful and a great tribute to a wonderful man.


That is a beautiful treasure and tribute, a lot of hours of work there.


Oh wow, that is so beautiful. Lots of meaning in every stitch.


Wrap yourself up in that and soak up the love and support surrounding you.


A beautiful quilt that is gifting hugs, memories and community warmth all at once.


This must have brought you to tears. How beautiful and thoughtful…


A work of art really, obviously created by artisans who feel so passionate about those who have served their country.


While the loss is still very new and we are all learning to live within this dark cloud of devastation, there are little glimmers of light and the gift of this quilt has been one of those glimmers, especially now that I know more about the history and story of Aussie Hero Quilts. It reminds me that there is still good in this world and that I am surrounded by love and support.


Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of myself and our sons, for this beautiful quilt. 

Good morning Kristie H,

Thank-you for my very own special Aussie Hero’s Minion laundry bag!

I hope that the “Ladies of the Night” are able to reunite again soon (if you haven’t already) and please pass my gratitude for the group in assisting with your sewing skill-development. Which has given me such a high-quality laundry bag, which I’m looking forward to using for many years to come! 

I have been in the Defence Force since 2012 within multiple roles and operations. Most recently supporting Australian’s at home during Operation Bushfire Assist 19-20 and Operation Covid-19 Assist. It has been my absolute pleasure providing assistance to Australian’s on our home soil in any way I could.  Hopefully the worst is now behind us, it is good to know that when called upon the Australian Defence Force can always provide valuable assistance no matter the task.

Once again, thank-you for my Minion bag and I wish you, along with all your family a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Hi Lynn K,

I am extremely touched by your efforts to make my quilt especially for me. I am still deployed, but returning to Australia soon so I asked if the quilt could be sent to my next of kin. I had them open it and send me photos of the quilt and your letter. 

I absolutely love what you put together on the quilt and it very much suits me as I am a lover of all animals, besides owning 3 horses I also have a dolphin tattoo so I loved that you included them.

I hope you enjoy your holidays away with your son, it sounds like a perfect place for a summer holiday. I will still be in Lebanon for Christmas and will be spending Christmas Eve with my friends from all the other nations I am working with. It is a great opportunity to learn about how other cultures celebrate the holidays and show them how good our Christmas food is, I am making a pavlova

Once again, thank you for the support you give to the Australian servicemen and women. Wishing you the merriest of Christmas’ and a Happy New Year. 

Kind regards,

Hello Laura C!


Thank you so very much for your beautifully designed laundry bag. I absolutely love it and really appreciate the time and effort you put into it.


We are nearing the end of our three month deployment through Southeast Asia and am very lucky to soon be home in time to spend it with my family on the Gold Coast.


I loved hearing your travel stories, WA is a beautiful place. I have only been there once but I loved it.


I hope you have a great Christmas and New Years, and I wish you and your family nothing but good times, health and happiness!


Kind Regards,

Good Morning Ruth S,


I’d like to thank you for the beautiful laundry bag you made for me to the theme of Pirates. I picked the theme of Pirates as I have two boys aged 3 and 1 and the 3 year old is obsessed with pirates. Thank you again I will cherish it.

Dear Sheena B,


Thank you so much for the fantastic quilt, so thoughtfully and skilfully done.


I feel very honoured and humbled. I appreciate your kind thoughts, and for considering members of the Defence Taskforce responding to the Royal Commission worthy of a special quilt.


I have come to the taskforce communications team late in my career and recently I turned 65. It feels like I am closing a loop, now working in Defence, alongside some truly inspiring members of the defence force. 


I was born an Army brat. My late father served in World War Two, the occupation forces in Japan, and briefly in Vietnam, then retired in 1976. My earliest memories are of living in the sandstone married quarters from the 1880’s at Chowder Bay, Middle Head, Sydney Harbour at what was then the Army Water Transport School. Some of the highlights were exploring the decommissioned gun emplacements and tunnels, which are now part of the harbour national park, and getting to ride the army boats that back then crisscrossed the harbour connecting different Army depots. The next family move was to an Engineers unit at Penrith where we lived on base in a sprawling house. Many years after the Army departed and the land sold off, the house was restored to its glories of the 1890’s as Thornton Hall. We then moved to Canberra where I did much of my remaining schooling except for the two years we lived at the amazing Victoria Barracks, Paddington.


Many school friends were also part of defence families and experienced the uncertainty of family members being away and the constant threat moving again. After expecting to join the Army when I was younger, I took different paths and eventually studied journalism. 


You would also have your own connections to the defence force and now through the Aussie Hero Quilts you are kindly giving them recognition, especially to those who have served in uniform.


It is interesting looking back at this almost half a century later, but now working alongside a new generation of defence members who are navigating service life issues, such as veteran suicide, and families, and new postings and careers. I especially admire their spirit of teamwork, respect and caring for each other across, and up and down the ranks.  I haven’t found this as commonly across other parts of my career in journalism, politics and government. 


Your quilt and the appreciation and support of the Aussie Hero Quilts team is very much appreciated by us in the taskforce. The presentation of quilts at taskforce morning teas and getting to see the unique designs tailored to the individual recipient is a great morale booster.


Thank you so much.

Dear Jenni S,

I was lucky enough to receive one of your beautiful laundry bags through the Aussie Hero Quilt organisation. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to use it!
A little bit about myself.
I’m 21yrs old, originally from a small rural town in Victoria down on the Great Ocean Road. I enlisted into the Australian Army in March 2020 at the age of 18. I am now posted to South Australia as an Air Defence Operator in the Royal Australian Artillery.
Ever since a young age joining the army has been a goal of mine. I shared a strong interest in war history and aviation with my dad.
Joining the army has hands down been one of the toughest but most rewarding things I’ve done in my life. So far I have loved my time in the defence force and am excited to see what the future holds.

Thank you so much for the laundry bag, it will be with me for the rest of my army career and beyond.

Wishing you and your family a safe & Merry Christmas.


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  


Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!




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