Grati-Tuesday 11th October 2022

Written by AHQ

11 October 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week.  
We have another great mixture of thank you’s and photos this week. They are guaranteed to brighten your day!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the 
following gratitude letters and photos. 

Good evening Robyn H,

I am a physiotherapist who received a laundry bag from you last year. I am sorry about the late email because I only received your mail at the past weekend. The parcel went to my brother’s house in Melbourne because I was in the middle of moving from Darwin to Sydney at the end of last year. Of course with three kids at home, things tend to go missing and re-appear again!

I recently moved to Sydney. It’s a smooth move except I got COVID in the first month I was here after living in a pretty much COVID free world for the past two years. Gladly I recovered quickly. I hope you and your family are doing well.
I really appreciated your team offered the hero quilt to health professionals. I was never deployed and do not see myself deploying in my military career. I always wanted one seeing my colleagues receives one when they went oversea.
There are only handful of physio’s in the Army. We have many physio’s working at the garrison health centre but they are not commission as military members.
I always thought I will do more camping when I came to Sydney but work has been hectic this year. I would love to hike the Blue Mountains in the coming Christmas period.
Again, thank you for the laundry bag and the letter. Take care! 🙂
Warm regards,

Dear Joy H

I am an exceptionally lucky recipient of one of your 9yo grandson’s laundry bags. I am told that he made 6 of these beautiful hand-crafted bags whilst he was staying with you.  I would like to pass on my sincerest thanks to both you and he for my fantastic gift. I was absolutely delighted to receive my bag and even more impressed at the craftsmanship and skill used to make them (kudos to his sewing teacher!!). Quilting is something my late grandmother enjoyed teaching me when I was young, so this holds a very special place in my heart. Thank you both so much. 

I am currently undergoing training with the Royal Australian Navy. Once qualified, I will be responsible for maintaining and operating the engineering machinery and systems on our ships to help ensure they reach their required capabilities and remain fully operational. I am looking forward to using my laundry bag on board the ship during future deployments. 

Your gift has brightened my day and your thoughtfulness means so much to me. I wish you both good health and happiness and applaud your kindness. Keep up the great work!!

Yours Sincerely, 

Good morning Kathy W, 
I wanted to thank you deeply for the time, effort, and resources you put into creating my Aussie Quilt. 
It’s fantastic and I can’t wait to take it with me, especially if I ever deploy in the future.


Thank you for also sharing about your family and life with me. How exciting it will be to visit your son in NZ so soon! I’m sure it will be a glorious catch up after 3 years. 


I am in Canberra and my family are in Perth, so I know how hard it is being away from them.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for my quilt. I will forever be grateful!
Kind regards, 

Good morning Jacqui D.


I recently received one of your quilts.


I would like to thank you form the bottom of my heart it is so beautiful.


My husband sent in the request without my knowledge, it was such a wonderful surprise.


Your quilt suits me to a tee it will be a great addition to our camping trailer for when we start our travels.


Kind regards,


Good Morning Ruth S,


I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to write to thank you for the laundry bag, which I received today. I’m absolutely very happy with it, and I’ll add that receiving your letter with it was fantastic to read.


Thank you for taking the time and effort you’ve put in, it’s very much appreciated.


Noted that you are from South Australia. I grew up in the Adelaide Hills before enlisting in the RAN in 2020. Always good to hear from another South Aussie, as we are few and far between in the Navy!


Thanks again, and I hope the rest of the year treats you well.


Warm regards,

Good morning Ruth S, 

I really liked your laundry bag🥰🤗❤. Thank you for your awesome efforts and undying support in making this bag to share to us current serving ADF members. It means a lot to me. You’re a legend. Have a good one. 


Dear Ruth S,
I recently received the beautiful laundry bag you made for me. I wanted to write to you to thank you so very much for so generously making it for me. I will treasure it forever and it will always remind me of your generosity and kindness in taking time to create something so special and so uniquely personal
I especially appreciate you including in the design both my AALC and RACMP corps badges. My time in East Timor was during that country’s first presidential elections. I remember those days very clearly and they remain in my memory as days filled with doing work that hopefully contributed in some small way to building peace in that part of the world.
Since then I have continued to serve in the Reserves and am now on my second age extension and hoping to be able to serve for another year or two before retiring. I love the Army and all it stands for and all its work.
The care and love you have put into making this very special bag for me is very clear to see. Each time I stop and look, it makes me so happy to be ale to see and reflect the amazing skill and great work you have put into producing something so very beautiful.
There are no words I can find to adequately express what the laundry bag means to me. All I can say is I am very deeply appreciative and so very grateful you have so very kindly taken time to make something so very special and so very uniquely personal for me.
Once again, thank you so very, very, very much.
I will absolutely treasure it always.
Yours very sincerely and with my greatest gratitude,

I received my laundry bag from Lisa K and I love it.

Thank you very much

Dear Pennie T and Deirdre B-L,

On behalf of myself, and the members of the HQ 17th Sustainment Brigade who were recipients of the wonderful quilt and laundry bag you lovingly created, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful work.

I personally presented the quilt and laundry bag to two of my officers and there was a mixture of laughs and shock, but a sense of gratitude which I wished I had a camera at the time as the reaction was absolutely priceless.

The HQ administers the primary logistics and medical units in the Army and as a result we are one of the higher tempo units in the ADF, having since I submitted the requests, we have been heavily involved with the recent deployments to Tonga, the NSW Flood emergency in April and July and the ADF COVID-19 assistance to the nursing homes.  A number of the recipients have deployed or are currently deployed or involved, so may not be in a position to reach out to you at this moment.  I am sure each member will reply in due course, but I wanted you to know that your gifts from the heart have been presented and received by a very grateful soldier.

Yours sincerely,

Hi Bev L,

Just wanted to personally thank you for your letter and the quilt I received from you! I had a difficult morning and this made my entire day.

I am absolutely in LOVE with the design – I couldn’t stop looking at it. My reaction when I first opened the parcel had my colleague laughing because I was so jubilant.  


Very grateful for the work you and the team continue to do.



Thank you again!!!


Special mention and acknowledgement to Keryn (embroidery) and Philomena (quilting & binding).

Dear Bev F and Cheryl F,

Thank you very much for the quilt and wash bag, something to treasure as a keepsake.

It would have been great to have something like these when I did my deployment to Rwanda and we took our own bed linen to remind us of home (It was our choice to do that)
Everyone who has seen them are totally impressed.
So once again, thank you
Hi Heather B,
I would like to thank you so very much for the fabulous quilt you made for me.
My husband helps out with Aussie Hero Quilts so I probably understand more than most your absolute dedication to brightening the day of members in many different circumstances and for that I truly thank you.
Jan-Maree and her husband came over for dinner a couple of weeks ago and I was completely surprised when she presented me with your fabulous quilt. Jan-Maree had been showing me the quilts for auctioning at the dinner and then said she had one more quilt to show me. As I unfolded it I could see that it was a West Coast Eagles (WCE) quilt and my first thought was how very lucky someone was going to be to receive this quilt. It took me a couple of moments to realise that the quilt was for me! I am a diehard, one-eyed WCE supporter and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this quilt. 
I will discharge early next year after 32years so the nod to the Air Force and my service is just wonderful. I have always had a soft spot for the Brisbane Lions so I was sorry to see they did not make the Grand Final. Your team had a great season which unfortunately cannot be said about the Eagles – onward to next year!
I have to say that you chose a great name for your daughter. I don’t know about her but I love my name. I see that your family’s a proud military history. Our Family is starting down that line. My husband is Navy and our son is Army. Our daughter is just in the process of hopefully joining the Navy! Our number third child is hoping to go to ADFA as an Air Force Engineer so definitely doing our bit to serve this country!
The lady who made my laundry bag is a Power supporter so I think it would be fair to say that between the two of you it has been a labour of ‘AFL’ love and I am truly grateful to have such a wonderful reminder of my service. I will most definitely be at the dinner in Oct so I look forward to meeting you and being able to thank you in person.
Thank you & kind regards


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!


🌟 🌟 🌟



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