33 quilts and 90 laundry bags for 2013 and 
979 quilts and 1469 laundry bags overall!

Well it looks like we have hit the ground running this week – holidays are just about over and lots of Aussie Hero Friends are back on deck, and just as well as I have a healthy supply of requests for us all to sew for!

Funny note – today is the anniversary of the first time that Caroline, A.K.A. Deputy Nut, left a comment on the blog!  How far we have come.  Actually at the end of this month we will be starting a new regular post – “This Time Last Year” – looking back at what we were doing a year ago.  So, that is bound to bring back some memories, for all of us, as I won’t be writing it.  Janine has “volunteered”  to do it!  Thanks Janine!

Friday’s are usually a busy day for me so just as an explanation I am not going to write something about every quilt and laundry bag I show you unless there is something special to tell you about it.  Also, to be guarentee being included in the Quilts of the Week post please get your photos in by Thursday night, or as early in the week as you can manage as it is too hard for me to try and add in loads of photos on Friday during the day.  And I will try and remember to remind you a couple of days before as well.

Now on with the show!



You can’t see it in this photo but the fabrics in this are a mix of Aussie wildflower prints and American prints – thanks to Terry and Lisa for the American prints.  Note I used stars and stripes for the letters in America

and I had hoped the picture would turn out better but written on the Aussie letters are all sorts of Aussie words and place names.

A 7RAR pig in case you are wondering

I can send you this template if anyone wants it – you can use any pig but this is one that was sent to me.

Can you tell I have been enjoying sewing during the quieter period over the Christmas break.

You can probably also tell that I had a hand in this one as well but whilst I did the applique and handed over some leftover blocks Caroline did everything else with this quilt which needed to be created in a hurry for someone special – story to come once it has been received.

More of Caroline’s work 


Gidget is an AHQ Newbie – welcome to the club Gidget!


Evelyn W is also a Newbie and she completed a partially finished quilt top that was donated to a group called Stitching Hearts and then the quilt was delivered to me to send it off.  

Rita M 

Julie Ann
(name on the other side)

Karen B


This is one of the quilts made as a result of Kylie’s Mystery Quilt run over the Christmas break.  you will be seeing more of these

Sue Niven


Judy D



These letters and Roos were done with fabric paint pens!


Liz and Roberta





And to finish off some thank you messages – 

Dear Pauline
I would just like to say thank you so much for the quilt, laundry bag and the goodies. It is so nice for someone like your self to go out of their way to make gifts for us it really puts a smile on our dials to know that there are people at home thinking of us during our deployment.   I would like to say to your son Nicholas that I hope the surgery went well and that the recovery be quick and as free of problems as possible.  i hope this letter finds you all safe and well.

Dear Pauline and all the other wonderful ladies part of Aussie Hero Quilts,
Sorry for the late email to let you know I have received my quilt and laundry bag.

I would like to thank you all so much for all your generosity it is really appreciated and a great morale boost for myself and all the other guys and girls that received them! 

I received a card from one of you girls but am unsure of who it was from as it wasn’t signed with a name at the bottom so I am unsure who to thank.

Pauline thankyou for your letter and I hope your son is on his way to full recovery after his operation let him know I wish him all the best.

 Thank you to hellokitty for the wonderful quilt and I think the laundry bag! They are amazing I cannot thank you enough. 

 If you could reply to me and let me know who made what I would be grateful and able to thank   you personally.

 Thanks again so much,

 Kind regards,

Dear Keryn, 
I am the proud owner of a beautiful quilt that was handmade by you. 
What gives me a great sense of pride is people like yourself and your family who take time out of their lives to do thoughtful, generous acts of kinds to help aid others. Your gift was very humbling and i am deeply grateful to forever be able to have this quilt and remember the happiness and kindness it was given to me in. 
I am very lucky over here to have a small extended family which made Christmas easier and memorable. I was fortunate to be able to stay up late on Christmas eve and Skype with my family and watch the kids open their presents. 
I hope your Christmas with your family was as enjoyable and memorable as mine. 
The work you and all the other ladies do as part of Quilts for Heroes is magical. These acts of kindness are the foundation of the Australian way and they make me proud to be doing what I do for Australians like yourself. 
I am very humbled by your gift and proud of you guys back home. 
Kindest Regards, 
Hi Keryn 
I am writing this email to thank you for taking the time to make and send me a quilt. It has already come in handy a few times with the temperature dropping and a can’t thank you enough for this. Thank you again for quilt and I wish you all the best in the New Year. It is good to know that there are people back home thinking of us. Regards,

Till next time………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!