WOW New milestones today!
Only small numbers going out this week but they made a big difference!
38 quilts and 78 laundry bags for 2014.
Only small numbers going out this week but they made a big difference!
38 quilts and 78 laundry bags for 2014.
2402 quilts and 3807 laundry bags in total.
Stephanie T
Leanne – I am told that because this is an American basketball team there is Aussie fabric on the back!
Julie Ann
Amy – who is only sweet 16 years old – thanks to Michele for the gorgeous blue cattle dog! With young people like Amy in our country the future looks a lot brighter! xx
Also by Angela -a quilt for a tankie -did you know the colours represent from the mud, through the blood to the green fields beyond! Doesn’t that give it extra meaning!
Well, that is all folks. I am off to check the post office box and then hurry home to get ready for today’s sewing day! I hope you all have a wonderful Australia Day where ever you are! An especially big thank you to all our troops who are far from our shores. You will be in our thoughts this Australia Day!
Till next time………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
What a wonderful bright and colourful collection of bags and quilts.