HMAS Toowoomba wrap up

Written by AHQ

13 October 2014

G’day all.

I hope you have all had a great weekend. I had a fairly busy one but still managed to get some sewing in so I am happy.  Back to work today though.  

The current ship we are looking after is HMAS Toowoomba.  They departed in August and, all being well, should be home in time for Christmas.  Unlike our previous ships they will be coming home to Perth and not Sydney so I won’t be heading to the wharf to welcome them home.  We will have to content ourselves with whatever the news channels care to share with us.  They have had some great successes whilst deployed so far and you can hear all about one of them here.

Their deployment is somewhat shorter than most of the ships we have dealt with and that meant I had serious reservations about our ability to get enough quilts to them in the time we had available to post.  This time we did something a little different and I received the list before they sailed. That added at least a month to the time we had to work on quilts for them and many quilts and laundry bags were all set to go the minute they sailed.  

We have actually exceeded my expectations significantly.  I was concerned that we would have trouble filling the 130 requests that we received right off the bat and yet, in the end, I am pleased to say that we have managed to send approximately 163 quilts and even more laundry bags! 

A huge BZ to all of you! That is a mammoth effort. 

We don’t seem to have received many photos from our recipients on board HMAS Toowoomba but I know that the chaplain has been taking the pictures. Hopefully he will be able to share some with us soon.  Here is one we have received.

This quilt but Kate.

Laundry Bag by Joan

Quilts by Debbie

 I thought we would celebrate the fact that the last quilt has been posted off to HMAS Toowoomba with a  look back at some of the awesome quilts and laundry bags we have sent their way. I am only going to show ones that I KNOW have arrived just in case we spoil the surprise for someone who is still waiting. 

Rita M


Jan-Maree and quilted by Belinda


Jacqui S 

Louise Turner and the Dolphin Quilters

Jo R


And finally some laundry bags from Joan

That is but a few of the ones that have headed off to HMAS Toowoomba. Hopefully we will have some more photos to show off of recipients and their quilts soon.

Till next time…………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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