Not long to go now……four weeks and counting……

Written by AHQ

21 September 2015

Hi all.   

This coming Saturday it will be four weeks till our annual dinner.  I announced it a month ago but most people don’t seem to plan much in advance these days so I thought it was time to remind you all again.  

Every year it has become a bit of a tradition to have an Aussie Hero Dinner at the end of the year.  This year’s dinner will be our fourth dinner and I have decided to bring it forward just a little. December is just a busy year for everyone with so many functions on and there is no reason why we need to wait til December to celebrate another successful year of Aussie Heroes. 

The first boxes were sent off to the very first Aussie Heroes in October 2011 so this year’s dinner will be held in October. 

October the 17th to be precise.  

Our dinners are an informal relaxed opportunity for quilters, their spouses and recipients to all get together.  The dinners are held in my home in the Hills District in Sydney to make it easy for everyone.  You just have to excuse the fact that Aussie Heroes has taken over pretty much all of my house.  Having the dinner in my home negates the need for reservations and payments in advance to restaurants. We are not limited by numbers and we self-cater by having a pot luck meal……

and quilters know how to cook

If you have made a quilt or a laundry bag, if you have made blocks of the month, if you have supported us in any way you are most welcome to come.  

If you are a recipient we would love to have you come.  This would be a great opportunity to come along and show the quilters and laundry bag makers just how much their efforts mean to those on deployment.

Finally, for each dinner in the past we have had a challenge.  Everyone has made laundry bags or blocks.   This year we are going to do something different. 

This year how about bringing something along that we can pack into some care packages and send to the troops for Christmas. I have some wonderful people on deployment who would love to receive some parcels they could share around to spread some Christmas Cheer.  This would be your chance to buy something small – remember, it has to fit into a Bx2 box, wrap it up and add a note of appreciation. 

It could be as simple as a packet or two of lollies or a small homemade gift or maybe some small novelty or piece of Australiana.  It could also be a Christmas decoration. 

Just remember things will need to be sturdily wrapped so that they fit into a the box with other things and it would be best if you add your note INSIDE the wrapping.   It would be best to keep your gift gender neutral so that it does not matter if it goes to a male or female.   All the little gifts will be packed up and sent off in time to arrive at their locations in time for the beginning of the Christmas celebrations.  

Details for the dinner are as follows…..
Saturday 17 October 2015


BYO drink and a plate of food 
(please check with Jan-Maree regarding what to bring so that we do not end up with a table loaded with deserts and only one plate of sausage rolls!!)
Also we will have some people coming you cannot eat Gluten so if you have a good GF recipe that would be great.

Address to be advised by email.

RSVP by email fr**********@gm***.com

My only reqret with having the dinner in October and not December and therefore not Christmas themed is that we do not get to see Caroline in her fetching Christmas Apron again……

Hope lots of you can make it. 

If the other dinners are anything to go by, it will be a fun night.

Till next time…….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Have a wonderful time ladies!

  2. Jo

    How about Halloween. Even though it's not Australian it is still fun to dress up.
    Hope to join you one year


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