Thank you does not seem enough….

Written by AHQ

26 January 2016

I was going to put this up later today but I had not expected news to get around so fast.

Today is very special day for me, eclipsed only by my wedding and the birth of my twin sons.     Today day I was honoured to receive the Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division within the Australian Honours System.

Before I go on I thought I would tell you a bit about the process that led to today.
At the end of September I received a letter marked “Honours-in-Confidence” from the office of the Governor-General.  In that letter I was advised that I had been nominated for the award of the Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division within the Australian Honours System.

I had to complete a form advising my address and so on and send it in.  The letter said that after the Governor-General had considered all the proposed awards I would be advised of the outcome.   I was told that it was proposed that the award would be announced in the Australia Day 2016 Honours List on the 26th of January 2016.

In the middle of December I received another letter informing me that my award of the Medal of Order of Australia in the General Division had been approved by the Governor-General in his capacity as the Chancellor of the Order of Australia.

Information about the recipients was handed to the press a few days prior to the announcements so that they could prepare interviews which would be published until the appointed time.

I have done interviews with two local newspapers and also with Channel 10 News.  I will be as interested as you to hear what I had to say, especially for the Channel 10 News.   I can’t for the life of me remember what I said!   I hope I said the right things.

In one of the interviews I was asked what I would like to say to those who nominated me and to the rest of the defence force members and I have no idea what I said because I was quite literally overcome with the emotion and was determined not to cry on camera. 
Thank you just does not seem enough.

I am humbled and so incredibly honoured to receive such recognition.  To be able to wake up each morning and devote the bulk of my time to something I am so passionate about is an absolute blessing and a privilege.   To know that the impact Aussie Heroes has on the members of Defence and their families is appreciated and recognised in such a way is the sweetest gift I could possible receive.   But more than that, so much more has been added to my life by way of the friendships I have made in the last four and a bit years.   From quilters, to recipients to recipients’ family members,  I treasure the friendships I have made and the memories you have given me.

I feel that this award is not just for me.  It is recognition for everyone who contributes to the success of Aussie Heroes.  I would therefore like to dedicate this award to all the people who have made a quilt or a laundry bag or many of each, to those that sew blocks, or quilt tops, to those who help by keeping the books, collecting the mail, donating materials, by supporting us and assisting Aussie Heroes in any way shape or form.   It was one thing for me to have an idea and act on it but without all the Aussie Hero Friends jumping on board we would not have been able to achieve all that we have.   Aussie Heroes is a community and a pretty special one at that.  

This award is for the whole team.
Again, thank you just does not seem enough.
Jan-Maree  xx

PS I apologise if I am a bit slow on the emails today,….. I think today might be a busy one. 

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  1. Unknown

    Hearty Congratulations! This award is well deserved and recognition for the work that you do. So very pleased for you. Best wishes.

  2. Unknown

    Congratulations Jan-Maree a very well deserved honor.

  3. Sue Niven

    Congratulations JM. Wholeheartedly deserved, I have always made for Charity, it is my thing, Aussie Heroes is so well run, you make it look easy, although I know it is not. It is an honor for me to be able to contribute. You Rock!

  4. Sandra Askill

    You are indeed a worthy recipient.

    Thank you just does not seem enough for all that you do.
    Sandy A.

  5. Sue SA

    Congratulations JM, I feel privileged to "serve" on the AHQ team and very pleased that all your hard work organising us and recipients are recognised. Fly the AHQ flag today and I am sure many good things will come out of more publicity, who knows you might recruit a few 100 more quilters!

  6. Unknown

    Hoorah for you and isn't it good our Governor General is ex defence force with the understanding of what and why you took this on greatest congrats very well deserved Su 😇

  7. Jacqui D

    OMG, well done you!!! JM you so deserve this award…Funny, but last night watching the awards I had the thought, and not only once, that you do as much as these folks nominated and something should be done about it…Hallelujah!! So deserving, your family must be so proud of you? Enjoy!

  8. Jenny F

    Very well deserved. Congratulations.

  9. Unknown

    Congratulations Jan Maree – so well deserved for all of your work

  10. Unknown

    A just award to a worthy and fantastic woman. Whilst I understand dedicating such an honour to all your quilting team is you to a tee Jan, however the team would not be formed without a passionate leader. I bow and doff my hat to thee. Thank you from the bottom my heart for your loyal support and dedication to my team whilst deployed in 2012. I am proud and honoured to know you and call you my friend. Captain Carl Harries, Royal Australian Engineers

  11. Tanya

    Well done and incredibly well deserved!! I received a quilt from your group in 2011 while in Afghanistan and it has followed me everywhere ever since. Keep up the amazing work and have a great day!! X

  12. Unknown

    Congratulations! What a wonderful example you have set, as we should all strive to honor and care for our heroes with whatever talents we have.

  13. kiwikid

    Congratulations Jan-Maree, it is very well deserved!!

  14. Susan

    Congratulations – I did see this in the media so was waiting for a post. I understand you saying it wouldn't be what it is without all the helpers – but the helpers wouldn't be helping if you hadn't started it and kept the whole thing going – so you certainly deserve this award.
    no need to reply – you are going to be overwhelmed by comments here I am sure.

  15. Unknown

    Congratulations Jan-Maree. That is really good news and shows how special the Aussie Heroes regard their quilts.I missed reading this until too late for the news but I am sure you spoke well. Joanne

  16. Marilyn

    I am so thrilled for you and AHQ for the recognition you have received. You deserve this as without your vision, passion and hard work there wouldn't be AHQ as we know it. I am sure you had an awesome and unforgettable day yesterday. Like Susan said – no reply necessary.

  17. cindy

    Jan-mare, WOW!!! All of the folks who know you and know of your wonderful spirit are not surprised by you being recognized for your unending devotion to our service men and women. Now the rest of Australia and the world will know of Aussie Heroes and as you were, will be inspired to use imagination and creativity to share the love. You too are a fair dinkum Aussie Hero…

  18. Unknown

    Congratulations Jan-Maree.
    that shows how highly appreciated the quilts must be!

  19. Unknown

    A just award to a worthy and fantastic woman. Whilst I understand dedicating such an honour to all your quilting team is you to a tee Jan, however the team would not be formed without a passionate leader. I bow and doff my hat to thee. Thank you from the bottom my heart for your loyal support and dedication to my team whilst deployed in 2012. I am proud and honoured to know you and call you my friend. Captain Carl Harries, Royal Australian Engineers

  20. Unknown

    Hoorah for you and isn't it good our Governor General is ex defence force with the understanding of what and why you took this on greatest congrats very well deserved Su 😇

  21. Pam

    Warmest congratulations and very well deserved


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