Today’s Win…..

Written by AHQ

28 June 2016

I was hoping to get the weekly gratitude post up today but have been waylaid by various things that have come up…. taking delivery of my kitchenware for starters and dealing with an electrician repairing and replacing faultly lights and powerpoints at our new home. Let’s just say I am erring on the side of caution at the moment. 

Today’s good news though is that my defence medals have been returned to me…. and thank goodness they were still in their original metal boxes as I do not thing they would have survived otherwise.

My Australian Defence Medal had the closest shave, the plastic base it was sitting in was significantly damaged and had started to shrink but the ribbons and medals remain untouched! 

My Defence Force Service Medal suffered a similar fate and survived also.

One really good case for the Honours and Awards to continue to be sent out in Metal cases.  It made a difference. 

I am off to sort through some kitchenware.  Please bear with me, I will get back to regular posts as soon as I can.

Till next time……. check your smoke detectors and practice your fire drills,

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Unknown

    just a friendly reminder that the cruddy plastic lining actually damages the medals and tarnishes them unless you have replaced it. I am sure you will put them in new boxes or something but yeah..

  2. Maria

    So happy for you that your medals survived Jan-Maree

  3. Jacqui D

    Yeah!! A bit of a win alright…Fabulous to see your medals survived! The boxes can be replaced I should think?

  4. Sue Niven

    Lovely stuff, thanks for the advise too.

  5. Unknown

    Glad to hear the good news. Thinking of you xxx


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