2GB interview……

Written by AHQ

29 June 2016

G’day all
Had a quick interview with Ben Fordham on 2GB this afternoon.  Apparently some of you lovely people emailed him about Aussie Heroes and what we are going through and so he arranged an interview.  You can listen to it here if you like.

And if you want a laugh…. 

imagine having all your clothes, everything you wear, knickers, singlets, T shirts, dresses, suits and so on……… 
for your entire family, 
cleaned by dry cleaners (courtesy of insurance) and delivered to your home on coat hangers…. 
and all mixed up…. 
my clothes and those of my twin sons…. 
whose clothes are, of course, all the same size….  

LOL let the sorting out begin!  All those wire coathangers too! 

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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